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2020 Squash Bug

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2020 Squash Bug

Landscape & Garden    Treasure Valley

Squash Bug (Anasa tristis)

Posted on: July 8, 2020 by Nic Usabel

Squash bugs have been reported in Canyon County by an Idaho Master Gardener and University of Idaho personnel. It is time to check the underside of cucurbit (pumpkins and squash are most attractive) leaves for the bronze colored egg clusters. In addition, monitor plants for nymphs, adults and plants wilting.

Wooden boards, shingles, or heavy cardboard can be placed on the ground next to the host plant. Squash bugs tend to move under the board/object at night. In the morning, turn the boards over and destroy the pest.

Hand-pick and destroy adults, nymphs, or egg clusters. Other options include rolled duct tape around fingers to pull off egg clusters, cutting off the egg part of the leaf or applying petroleum jelly directly to the eggs. Increased success is achieved when started early in the season and done every 2 to 3 days to keep numbers low.

Cultural methods include sanitation, plating squash varieties that are more tolerant of squash bug feeding, crop rotation, and time of planting.

Additional control methods can be found in the publications linked below.

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