All Clover Seed Alerts
Your search for Clover Seed Alerts yielded 2 results.
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Aphids in Red Clover Seed Fields
Clover Seed none
Posted on: June 18, 2002 by Ben Simko
Lynelle Drake of Andrews Seed Co. reports finding unusual two-aphid species infestations of red clover seed fields near Adrian OR. The species involved in this combo attack are the perennial pest, the clover aphid (a.k.a. clover head aphid) and the cross over pest from alfalfa, the spotted alfalfa aphid. Special attention is required in scouting and insecticide selection if both aphid species are present and damaging clover florets. Contact your seed company agronomist or fieldmen for help in identification and management recommendations.
Clover Seed - Two Spotted Spider Mite
Clover Seed none
Posted on: May 24, 2002 by Jerry Neufeld
Two Spotted Spider Mites have been found in second year clover seed fields in the Marsing area.
Aphids in Red Clover Seed Fields
Clover Seed none
Posted on: June 18, 2002 by Ben Simko
Lynelle Drake of Andrews Seed Co. reports finding unusual two-aphid species infestations of red clover seed fields near Adrian OR. The species involved in this combo attack are the perennial pest, the clover aphid (a.k.a. clover head aphid) and the cross over pest from alfalfa, the spotted alfalfa aphid. Special attention is required in scouting and insecticide selection if both aphid species are present and damaging clover florets. Contact your seed company agronomist or fieldmen for help in identification and management recommendations.
Clover Seed - Two Spotted Spider Mite
Clover Seed none
Posted on: May 24, 2002 by Jerry Neufeld
Two Spotted Spider Mites have been found in second year clover seed fields in the Marsing area.