Thanks to our 2025 Sponsors:
  • Idaho Potato Commission
  • Snake River Sugar Research and Seed Alliance
  • Idaho Alfalfa & Clover Seed Commission

All Announcements Alerts

Your search for Announcements Alerts yielded 281 results.

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Canyon County Emergency Management Storm Assessment

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: June 28, 2024 by Jemila Chellappa

For anyone in the County who knows anyone who might have been affected by the storm a few days ago please see the information below and share it with your friends and family who might have been involved:


Canyon County Office of Emergency Management is trying to gather information from people who were affected by the microburst that came through our area on Tuesday, June 25, 2024. If your property or crops received any type of damage from the storm, please fill out this form. 

Please send photos/attachments to the following email address with a description of the location and what was damaged. Email information to:

Here is the link:

Pesticide recertification seminars at the Western Idaho Ag Show

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: January 11, 2024 by Ronda Hirnyck

Six pesticide recertification credits offered at the Ag Show.  Location:  "The Center at the Fair", Canyon County Fairgrounds, Caldwell, ID.


Pesticide Seminars for Recertification Credit

Day 1—January 23, 2023-Tuesday.


Session Title







10:00 AM-

11:00 PM

Idaho Pesticide Licensing Updates (1 Idaho Pesticide Recertification Credit)


Sherman Takatori, Program Manager, Idaho State Department of Agriculture

This presentation will cover the newly proposed rule changes for pesticide applicator licensing categories.  The Federal Certification and Training regulations (40 CFR) have recently been changed and the states are required to revise their rules to meet the new standards in the federal regs.  Mr. Takatori will cover the federal changes, and how the Idaho State Department of Agriculture plans to meet those new requirements with the state rules.





11:30 AM-12:30 PM

What pesticide applicators need to know about label changes. (1 Idaho Pesticide Recertification Credit)

Ronda Hirnyck, University of Idaho Extension Pesticide Coordinator

This presentation will cover the new federal pesticide registration policies to protect endangered species from outdoor pesticide applications.  Ms. Hirnyck will also discuss changes to the outdoor uses of rodenticides.  This presentation will spend some time reviewing the importance of reading and comprehending pesticide labels.  The label will be especially critical with some of the endangered species policies.





1:30 PM –

2:30 PM

Turf Insect Management (1 Idaho Pesticide Recertification Credit)

Desiree Wickwar, University of Idaho Integrated Pest Management Program

This presentation will cover the major turf insects.  Various pest management tactics, pest biology, use of insecticides will all be discussed.  Additionally, there will be information on how to prevent insecticide resistance problems with these turf applications.



Day 2 – January 24, 2024 --Wednesday


Session Title



10:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Math is Cool! (1 Idaho Pesticide Recertification Credit)

Kimberly Tate, University of Idaho Extension Pest Management Program

This presentation and hands-on demonstration will assist you in developing basic math skills for calculating accurate pesticide applications. We will look at site measurements, explore several types of application equipment while using real equipment calibration examples. We will focus on the environmental and economic value of checking your calibration rate throughout the growing season.





12:30 PM – 1:30 PM

Beneficial insect habitat on the farm/homestead (1 Idaho Pesticide Recertification Credit)

Ariel Agenbroad, Extension Educator, Ada County Extension

Learn how to assess your beneficial insect habitat on your farm or property. Webinar attendees will receive access to an online toolkit that assists in site-specific evaluation of land use and practices that can contribute to a reduction in pesticide applications and support habitat and beneficial pollinator and predator species, reducing negative impacts on natural enemies. Ariel will provide step by step evaluation and examples, as well as information to make planning decisions that lead to improvements in the quantity, type, and quality of beneficial insect habitat and best practices. 

1:30 PM –

2:30 PM


(1 Idaho Pesticide Recertification Credit)

Westy Pickup,

Idaho State Department of Agriculture

Westy will present information on the Idaho Chemigation program.  He will cover the pesticide licensing and chemigation equipment requirements pertaining to any chemigation that is done in Idaho. 

Need Pesticide Credits for 2023?

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: November 7, 2023 by Kimberly Tate

Enroll in the University of Idaho (UI) Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) for the 2023 Fall Recertification Webinar Series (held via Zoom; no camera/no account required). Attend for $10 per applicator/per webinar. Completed webinar(s) receive one Idaho State Department of Agriculture pesticide credit(s)*. Note: ALL webinars are held at Mountain Time (MT). 

  • Nov. 14 from 23 p.m. (MT) — Ronda Hirnyck: Changes to pesticide regulations; What the applicator needs to know! 
  • Nov. 21 from 23 p.m. (MT) — Doug Finkelnburg: Avoiding herbicide residual issues in cropping systems 
  • Nov. 28 from 23 p.m. (MT) — Albert Adjesiwor, Ph.D.: Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp, the Troublesome Pigweeds: Identification, early detection, and rapid response 
  • Dec. 5 from 23 p.m. (MT) — Ariel Agenbroad: Assessing beneficial insect habitat on your farm or property 
  • Dec. 12 from 23 p.m. (MT) — Tom Jacobsen: Minimizing pesticide resistance 
  • Dec. 19 from 23 p.m. (MT) — Brad Stokes: Overview of invasive organisms in Idaho and their treatment options  

Registration will close at noon (MT) on the day of the webinar. 


*For pesticide credit: Pesticide applicators must answer questions within the webinar session. This requires individual computer and internet access for each user. Answers will be collected to confirm attendance was maintained for the entire webinar. The Zoom platform does not recognize multiple users connected with the same email address. Be sure to utilize different identifying information. 

Register Today: 

Need more information? Contact Kimberly Tate, UI Extension Pest Management Instructor by phone (208) 364-4581 or email surveys

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 21, 2020 by Jerry Neufeld

Thanks to everyone that completed a 2020 survey. Mia, Cody and Tom were randomly selected for the Amazon gift cards. They will be put in the mail today.

2020 UI Snake River Pest Management Tour - Aberdeen

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: June 19, 2020 by Pamela Hutchinson

We will definitely have our annual Snake River Pest Management Tour at the Aberdeen R&E Center Tuesday June 30th!
· Registration 8:30 to 9a
· Tour 9a to noon
Safety precautions:
· Forehead temperatures will be taken at registration..
· Face masks are required – we will provide if you don’t have one on tour day.
· Hand sanitizer will be available at registration and during the tour.
· Attendees must social distance except for within your family or within a group of members from your own company with whom you have been approved to be closer than 6ft.
· Attendees will drive their own vehicles to field tour stops rather than on trailers. The tour is entirely at the Aberdeen R&E Center.
· No lunch after the tour but bottled water will be provided throughout the morning.

Credits: Three Idaho pesticide applicator recertification credits will be offered.

We will have a virtual tour of some type – stay tuned for further details.

Featured will be several weed control trials in potatoes, including tank mixtures, planned vs. rescue postemergence applications, chemigation vs sprinkler incorporation as well as potato variety herbicide tolerance trials, and herbicide mechanism of action plots.
And…Updates about other pests and other crops from our Research and Extension project leaders.

Please forward this email to your colleagues.

NO RSVP needed unless you are unable to have a vehicle for the tour stops.

We hope to see you there!

Pamela J.S. Hutchinson
Potato Cropping Systems Weed Scientist
Aberdeen R&E Center
1693 S 2700 W
Aberdeen, ID 83210
Cell ph 208-681-1304
Office ph 397-4181 fax 397-4311

Treasure Valley Hemp Conference

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: February 11, 2020 by Stuart Reitz

The Treasure Valley Hemp Conference is an educational and community building event for the hemp industry being held in Ontario Oregon on February 21st and 22nd at the Four Rivers Cultural Center.

Please see the following website for information

2019 Landscape & Garden Survey Gift Cards

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 13, 2019 by Nic Usabel

Thank you to all who completed the 2019 Landscape & Garden Pacific Northwest Pest Alert Network Survey. The winners of the $75 gift cards to Texas Roadhouse are: Ken Patterson, Talisha Taylor, Owen Pipal. These gift certificates are being mailed to you.

Worker Protection Standard Training

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: April 3, 2019 by Jerry Neufeld

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture is hosting a Worker Protection Standard, Train the Trainer session in Caldwell, ID April 9, 2019. Click on the pdf below for more information.

Malheur Pest Management Short Course - Update

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: February 12, 2019 by Christy Tanner

This course has been approved for credits in both OR and ID

OR: 4 core, 2 aerial and 6 other credits
ID: 9 credits

The Malheur Pest Management Short Course is Feb 19 and 20 at the Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario. There are pesticide license credits for Oregon and Idaho. Click on the pdf below for more information.

Malheur Pest Management Short Course

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: February 7, 2019 by Jerry Neufeld

The Malheur Pest Management Short Course is Feb 19 and 20 at the Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario. There are pesticide license credits for Oregon and Idaho. Click on the pdf below for more information.

2019 Soil Health Symposium

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: February 6, 2019 by Jerry Neufeld

The 2019 Soil Health Symposium will be held on February 14 at the Four Rivers Cultural Center. Click on the pdf below for more information.

Canyon County Master Gardener Program 2019

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: November 27, 2018 by Dian Roberson

The Canyon County Master Gardener Program is now accepting applications for the 2019 Master Gardener Class! For more information contact the Canyon County Extension Office at 501 Main St., Caldwell, ID 83605; 208-459-6003; or

2018 Spring Garden Festival.

Announcements    All Locations

2018 Spring Garden Festival. Credits available!

Posted on: April 16, 2018 by Rich Guggenheim

The University of Idaho Extension Master Gardener Volunteers are hosting their 2018 Spring Garden Festival. Happening on April 21st from 9-4 at the UI Extension Office located at 501 Main St in Caldwell, this all day event will feature 4 tracks of concurrent courses.
Cost $30.
The pesticide track will offer ISDA recertification credits.
The arboriculture track will offer ISA credits for certified arborists.
The JMG track offers professional development for teachers.
And there is a gardening 10 track for those who simply want to explore the basics.
Whether you are a beginner or an expert, this event has something to help everyone grow! There is also a free plant sale featuring plants grown by Master Gardener volunteers!
For more information, and to register, call 208-459-6003.

2018 Spring Garden Festival

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: March 5, 2018 by Rich Guggenheim

Join us for the 2018 Spring Garden Festival and Plant Sale on April 21st from 9:30 am to 4 PM!
Four tracks of classes are available:
- ISA credits are available for the arborist track
- ISDA credits are available for pesticide track
- PD credits for teachers on JMG track.
- Gardening 101!
Come learn about youth gardening, and general introduction to gardening in Idaho with these all day classes. The cost is $30 for the full day!
To register call 208-459-6003.
Extension programs are available to all. For those requesting special accommodation, please call Rich Guggenheim at 208-459-6003 by APril 15.

Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

Announcements    All Locations

2018 Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

Posted on: February 14, 2018 by Rich Guggenheim

The University of Idaho Pomology and Viticulture Program’s Annual Fruit Tree class will be held on Saturday, February 17th at 9:00 am until about 1:00 pm. It will be held in the large meeting room at Western Laboratory, 211 Hwy 95, Parma, ID 83660. After the classroom session (9:00-10:30), you will go to the UI orchards/vineyards for hands on demonstrations. You may bring your pruning tools if you would like. They will be cleaned before you start pruning. Please let us know if you are coming by Friday.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
University of Idaho
Parma Research & Extension Center
29603 U of I Lane
Parma, ID 83660
Phone: (208) 722-6701 ext. 228
Fax: (208) 722-6708

Master Gardener Class Deadline is quickly approaching!

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 19, 2017 by Dian Roberson

There is still room in the 2018 Canyon County Master Gardener Class! The deadline to register is December 29th! Download the application at

2017 Annual Survey

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 1, 2017 by Jerry Neufeld

Thanks to everyone that completed an annual Survey. The winners of the Texas Roadhouse gift cards are Jennifer Riebe, Charlie Robinson and Curtis Jones. You should receive them in the mail in a few days.

Fall 2017 Dig In Newsletter

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: September 5, 2017 by Rich Guggenheim

Dig into some great tips on fall gardening in this year's fall edition of Dig In.

2017 Treasure Valley Tomato Taste off

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: September 5, 2017 by Rich Guggenheim

Join us on September 16th from 10 am to 2 pm for the Treasure Valley Tomato Taste off.

Snake River Weed Research Tour at the Malheur Experiment Station on June 14

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: June 7, 2017 by Bill Buhrig

It is time for the annual Weed Research Tour at the Malheur Experiment Station! The public is invited to attend. Read on for more information!

Place: Malheur Experiment Station, 595 Onion Ave, Ontario, OR

Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Registration starts at 8:00am with coffee and donuts

The tour will start promptly at 8:30AM and end at 12:00PM.
A complementary lunch will be served at the conclusion of the tour.
Pesticide recertification credits for Idaho and Oregon will be available

The tour will feature research studies for weed management in direct-seeded onion, sugar beet, field corn, sweetpotato, wheat, and potato. The first stop will be at our yellow nutsedge “field laboratory” along Hwy 201 just before crossing the rail tracks (if headed north to Ontario from Nyssa). The stop along Hwy 201 will feature studies on yellow nutsedge control in onion, sugar beet, and field corn. We will then proceed to the station and tour studies on weed control in direct-seeded onion, sweetpotato, field corn, and potato.

Please call 541-889-2174 or email if you need more information. Please check out the link for more events coming your way from the good folks at the Malheur Experiment Station.

U of Idaho Parma Field Day

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: May 25, 2017 by Jerry Neufeld

The University of Idaho will be hosting a Field Day at the Parma R and E Center on June 21, 2017. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP by calling 722-6701 or emailing to let them know you plan to attend. For additional information click on the pdf below.

Turf Buster Plant Sale

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: May 19, 2017 by Rich Guggenheim

The Canyon County Master Gardeners has plants for sale for your garden. Many 4 inch pots and 4 packs with tomatoes, peppers, onions, and more are only $1 beginning Monday. Seedling trees in 1 gal pots are $2.50 each. Stop by the office for more information or to purchase. Sale runs through Friday or until we run out of plants.

Native Wildflower Seed Production Field Day

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: May 11, 2017 by Bill Buhrig

The Annual Malheur Experiment Station Native Wildflower Seed Production Field Day is only one week away!

You are welcome to attend on Thursday, May 18, 2017 at the Experiment Station located at 595 Onion Ave just a few miles out of Ontario.

Registration begins at 8:30 AM, Event begins at 9:00 AM and complimentary lunch will be served. Please reserve lunch by calling Janet Jones at (541) 889-2174 or by emailing her at

Check out the link for more info!

Master Gardener Scholarship Fundraiser

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: May 8, 2017 by Rich Guggenheim

The Master Gardeners in Canyon County are having a fundraiser to help raise money for scholarships. They are selling plants at the Extension Office Monday-Friday from 8-5 and also at Nampa Farmers Market on Saturday from 9-1 and the Caldwell Farmers Market on Wednesday from 3-7 during the month of May.
Prices are 4 Inch pots and 4 packs are $3 each or 2 for $5. We have many tomatoes, peppers, zinnia's, eggplant, okra, marigold, and other stuff for sale too in these sizes. Mix and match.
We have one gallon pots of seedling trees (Austrian Pine, Scots Pine, Blue Spruce, Rocky Mountain Juniper, Catalpa, Poplar, and Honey Locust) for $5 each.
Call 459-6003 or stop by the office at 501 Main St. in Caldwell.

Spring 2017 edition of Dig In Newsletter

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: May 2, 2017 by Rich Guggenheim

The Spring 2017 edition of the Dig In Newsletter is now available. To pick up a print copy, stop by the University of Idaho Extension Office at 501 Main St. in Caldwell.

ISDA Pesticide Disposal Program, 2017

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: April 27, 2017 by Jerry Neufeld

ISDA will be hosting unusable pesticide collections in southwest and north Idaho in May 2017. Click on the pdf below for more information.

Malheur County Weed Advisory Board White-top Program

Announcements    Northern Idaho

Posted on: April 20, 2017 by Bill Buhrig

The annual white-top and perennial pepperweed focus days are quickly approaching for Malheur County residents. Please check out the attached flier and link for more information. This is a good program and we thank County Weed Supervisor Gary Page and Co. for their hard work on this!

University of Idaho Extension Needs Assessment

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: February 22, 2017 by Jerry Neufeld

University of Idaho Extension is in the process of conducting a state-wide needs assessment. We want to learn from the residents of Idaho issues we should be addressing, barriers to participating in our programs and the best ways to distribute our research based information. Please assist us by completing the survey at the following link below. It should only take about 5 minutes. Please complete the survey by March 10. Thanks for your participation.

8th Annual Soil Health Symposium

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: February 6, 2017 by Bill Buhrig

Soil health enthusiasts are invited to attend the 8th annual Soil Health Symposium February 16 at the Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario, OR. The registration form is attached as well as a link to the Payette SWCD website for more info. There is also a workshop the morning of February 17 that attendees can register for as well.

Early registration closes February 10th so do not delay!

Houseplants class still has room!

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Horticulture Classes

Posted on: January 13, 2017 by Rich Guggenheim

Join us at the Canyon County Extension Office on Saturday, January 14th from 10 am to noon at 501 Main Street for a class on how to care for and enjoy houseplants. You will even have an opportunity to make your own and take it home. The cost is $15 and you can register through the Caldwell Parks and Rec. Department online at

Or call the UI Extension Office to register 459-6003.

Other upcoming classes which you may want to register for include:
Houseplants, January 14th 10 AM
Making Sense of Seed Catalogs January 28th 10 AM
Planning you Garden (Where do I plant the Tomatoes?) February 11th, 10 AM
Weed Control February 25th 10 AM
Companion Planting March 11th 10 AM
Backyard Chickens March 25th 10 AM
Landscaping for season color and year round interest. April 8th 10 AM
Edible Landscapes April 22nd 10 AM
Pesticides 1 May 13th. 10 AM CEU for those holding a license available*
Pesticides 2 May 27th 10 AM. CEU for those holding a license available*

Nampa Chamber of Commerce Ag Forum

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: January 13, 2017 by Jerry Neufeld

The Nampa Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring an “Ag Forum” on Wed, February 8, 2017 at the Ford Idaho Center. Lt. Governor Brad Little and ISDA Director Celia Gould will be speaking. The keynote speaker is Michael Swanson, Ph.D. Wells Fargo Chief Agricultural Economist. Click on the pdf below for more information.

The deadline to apply to become an Idaho Master Gardener is December 16!

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Master Gardener Volunteer Training

Posted on: December 12, 2016 by Rich Guggenheim

The December 16th deadline to apply to become an Idaho Master Gardner in Canyon County is quickly approaching. If you've ever wanted to to learn more about horticulture, be sure to apply today! For more information, call 208-459-6003

Become an Idaho Master Gardener Volunteer.

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: November 22, 2016 by Rich Guggenheim

Become an Idaho Master Gardener Volunteer. Applications are due December 16th. Classes will be available beginning January 17th and volunteers may choose from either a Tuesday evening class from 6-9 PM or on Wednesday morning class from 9am to 12 Noon. The cost is $165 which includes the 40 hours of course training and 40 hours of practicum. For more information contact the University of Idaho Extension Office in Canyon County at 459-6003.

Zinc Phosphide Training for Belding Ground Squirrel Control

Announcements    Northern Idaho

Belding Ground Squirrels

Posted on: November 18, 2016 by Bill Buhrig

For producers raising hay such as alfalfa, grass, mixed alfalfa/grass and permanent or seasonal pasture in Malheur, Harney, Lake, Baker, Crook, Deschutes and Klamath Counties with Belding Ground Squirrel issues, Zinc Phosphide is a treatment option. A training session will be held in Ontario on December 8, 2016 to discuss the Restricted Use 24c pesticide label for Zinc Phosphide. This will be held from 2-4pm at the Malheur County Extension Office, 710 SW 5th AVE Ontario, OR 97914.

An applicators license and this training are mandatory for producers who hope to purchase and use product. Laurie Gordon from the Oregon Department of Agriculture will be on hand to provide this instruction. There is no cost to attend but give us a call 541-881-1417 to RSVP and we will have enough copies of the materials to be handed out. This annually-required training will be effective for the 2017 growing season. Two core pesticide credits will be available for applicators who have not taken this class already in 2016.

Time to apply pre-emergent for crabgrass control

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: March 7, 2016 by Dian Roberson

Crabgrass can be difficult to control in lawns after it has germinated. Now is the time to apply a pre-emergent herbicide to control crabgrass and some other broad leaf weeds. A pre-emergent herbicide is one that kills seedlings as they emerge. To be effective they need to be applied before the weed pest appears. Here is some information about identifying crabgrass and how to control it.

7th Annual Soil Health Symposium

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: January 19, 2016 by Jerry Neufeld

The 7th annual Soil Health Symposium will be held at the Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario, Oregon on February 18, 2016. Click on the pdfs below for more information.

Texas Road House, Pest Alert Annual Survey

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 11, 2015 by Jerry Neufeld

Thanks to everyone that completed a annual survey. Your participation is appreciated very much.

The people that were randomly selected to receive the three gift cards to Texas Roadhouse are: Steve Lejardi, Jim Klauzer and Jeff Harper. You should get the gift cards by email within 24 hours.

Creating Habitat for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects Farm Tour

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: September 1, 2015 by Jennifer Miller

Jennifer Miller, 208-850-6504, Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides

Creating Habitat for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects Farm Tour

Farmers interested in increasing pollinator and beneficial insect habitat on their farms are invited to attend a farm tour at Purple Sage Farms in Middleton, Idaho on Wednesday, September 16.

Purple Sage Farms, the Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP) and The Xerces Society will host the tour from 2 to 5 pm.

Tim and Mike Sommer of Purple Sage Farms grow certified organic herbs, greens and specialty produce in their greenhouses, low tunnels and in-field production. The Sommers also raise grass-fed sheep and cattle, an important part of the nutrient cycling on the farm and from which they make their own compost.

Jessa Kay Cruz, senior pollinator conservation specialist with the Xerces Society, will discuss her work with farmers establishing habitat for pollinators and beneficial insects. She will give an overview of pollinators and beneficial insects, their habitat requirements, steps to assessing existing habitat, and organic methods of site preparation for establishing habitat.

The Sommers are working with NCAP and The Xerces Society to incorporate additional pollinator and beneficial insect habitat on their 50-acre farm. They are currently conducting different methods of organic site prep, prior to planting starts into hedgerows this fall. The farm also supports pollinators and beneficial insects through annual plantings, cover crops and allowing production areas to reach flowering.

The tour will conclude with refreshments and a presentation on a new crop insurance program, Whole-Farm Revenue Protection, which provides an opportunity for specialty crop and organic producers to secure risk coverage.

The cost is $20 and pre-registration is required. Register online at or contact Jen Miller ( or 208-850-6504) by September 10.

This tour is made possible by support from USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Conservation Innovation Grant and USDA Risk Management Agency Education partnership funding. This is an equal opportunity event.

The Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP) works to protect community and environmental health and inspire the use of ecologically sound solutions to reduce the use of pesticides.

Canyon SCD Tour

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: August 19, 2015 by Jerry Neufeld

The Canyon County Soil Conservation District is holding its 6th Annual 319 Tour of Best Management Practices on August 25, 2015. Click on the pdf below for more details.

new layout for

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: August 14, 2015 by Jerry Neufeld

We are excited to announce a new look and added functionality for the website. We have been busy this summer, working with our programmer to change the look of the website, as well as adding some additional functions. In a few days we will change over to the new webiste and begin using it. We are also adding content area for “Landscapes and Gardens”. This area of the website will be administered by Ariel Agenbroad, Area Extension Educator for Food Systems & Small Farms with University of Idaho Extension. On the new homepage, you will now see three categories for Alerts: Current Alerts will show all Alerts posted to the website; Crop Alerts will show only Alerts related to agricultural crops; and Landscape and Garden Alerts will show only Alerts related to urban landscapes and garden environments. Current subscribers do not need to do anything different to continue to receive your chosen alerts. However, if you would like to make changes to your user profile or sign up to receive “Landscape and Garden” alerts, you can do that by clicking on “Edit User Profile” (lower left hand side on the new home page) and then make any desired changes to your profile.

We hope you enjoy the new look and functionality of the website and bear with us while we get the bugs out of the new system (no pun intended). If you encounter any issues with the new site, please contact us at or and we will address your concerns as soon as possible.

Jerry Neufeld
Ariel Agenbroad

Farm Fest on July 8th

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Oregon

Posted on: June 30, 2015 by Bill Buhrig

Farm Fest at the Malheur Experiment Station in Ontario is only a week away! Join the crew on July 8, 2015 and view the work being done, visit vendor booths, have your kids partake in the youth tour, and snag some lunch! Interested folks can still register for a booth. Please check out the attachments which include the program and a booth registration form.

See you next week!

Farm Fest on July 8th

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Oregon

Posted on: June 30, 2015 by Bill Buhrig

Farm Fest at the Malheur Experiment Station in Ontario is only a week away! Join the crew on July 8, 2015 and view the work being done, visit vendor booths, have your kids partake in the youth tour, and snag some lunch! Interested folks can still register for a booth. Please check out the attachments which include the program and a booth registration form.

See you next week!

Farm Fest at the Malheur Experiment Station

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Oregon

Posted on: June 22, 2015 by Bill Buhrig

You are invited to Farm Fest on July 8 at the OSU Malheur Experiment Station! Please see the attached flier in addition to a registration form for those who might be interested in having a booth. Call the Exp. Station if you have any questions: 541-889-2174. More information will be posted as it is made available.

It will be a good time!

Farm Fest at the Malheur Experiment Station

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Oregon

Posted on: June 22, 2015 by Bill Buhrig

You are invited to Farm Fest on July 8 at the OSU Malheur Experiment Station! Please see the attached flier in addition to a registration form for those who might be interested in having a booth. Call the Exp. Station if you have any questions: 541-889-2174. More information will be posted as it is made available.

It will be a good time!

Weed tour at Malheur Experiment Station

Announcements    Treasure Valley


Posted on: June 4, 2015 by Jerry Neufeld

Weed tour at Malheur Experiment Station on Thursday, June 11, 2015

Tour Agenda

Pesticide recertification credits for Oregon (2 hrs) and Idaho (3 hrs) will be issued at the conclusion of the tour. This tour is open to the public. Lunch will be served at the conclusion of the tour.

8:30 – 8:50 AM Registration

Session One
9:00 –10:00 AM
Studies for yellow nutsedge control in dry bulb onion; by Joel Felix

This session of the tour will involve walking through three studies that are being conducted to evaluate yellow nutsedge control in direct-seeded onion.
Onion studies: Evaluate the use of Dual Magnum, EPTAM, and Ethofumesate plow down after wheat harvest to control yellow nutsedge in fields intended for direct-seeded onion production. Evaluate herbicide combinations for weed control in onion.

Session two
10:15 – 11:15 AM
Evaluation of herbicides for weed control in potato and corn; by Joel Felix

This session will showcase a study to evaluate different herbicides for weed control in potato. The study includes several herbicide combinations being evaluated for weed control in potato. A corn study to evaluate herbicides registered for weed control in field corn will be showcased.

Session three
11:20 – 12:20 PM
Herbicides for weed control in sugar beet and direct-seeded onion; by Joel Felix

Tour participants will visit two studies to evaluate different registered herbicides for weed control in sugar beet. The treatments are designed to control glyphosate resistant kochia in sugar beet. The session will also showcase two studies to evaluate onion response to various herbicides applied prior and after onion emergence.

ISDA pesticide disposal program

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: April 13, 2015 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the link below for information about Idaho State Department of Agriculture’s pesticide disposal program which will be conducted in SW and North Idaho during May, 2015.

Climate Trends in the Pacific Northwest

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: February 26, 2015 by Bill Buhrig

Please check out the attachment talking about Climate Trends in the Pacific Northwest coming up in Ontario on March 3rd from 1-5pm. This will be held at the Four Rivers Cultural Center. The workshop will focus on regional observations in the field of climate research by scientists associated with Oregon State University. The workshop will address recent/current conditions and how changing trends may affect the long term production in Northeast Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. Geologic mapping and the use of this technology to estimate ground and surface water trends and recharge will be covered. The workshop will close with an open discussion to allow you an opportunity to contribute to your thoughts/ideas regarding climate trends and the opportunities & challenges agriculture could face in the future. Setting up to be pretty interesting and we hope to see you there!

Precision Agriculture Seminar

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: February 2, 2015 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf below for more information about the Precision Agriculture Seminar sponsored by the U. of Idaho Extension on February 24, 2015.

Organic Farming Conference

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: January 14, 2015 by Jennifer Miller

For Immediate Release
January 13, 2015

Arlie Sommer, 503-312-1415, Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides
Tony Brand, 208-420-3052, Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides

Organic Farming Conference Set for January 30

Twin Falls, ID – Farmers interested in enhancing the fertility of their soil through the use of cover crops are invited to attend a Friday, January 30 conference in Twin Falls. A farmer-to-farmer exchange of knowledge and best practices will follow the sessions, that afternoon. Additionally, farmers will see presentations on a new crop insurance program and future market opportunities with Clif Bar and Amy’s Kitchen.

The event is presented by the Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP), with additional support from University of Idaho (UI), Oregon State University (OSU) and USDA.

Nick Andrews, OSU Small Farms Extension Agent, Amber Moore, UI Soil Fertility Specialist and Lauren Hunter, UI Extension Specialist, will present the latest, science-based approaches to organic soil nutrient management and cover cropping. Farmers will learn how to monitor the nitrogen value of cover crops and plan their organic inputs to meet crop needs.

Anne Berblinger, organic farmer of Gales Meadow Farm, in Forest Grove, OR, will describe her work with Nick Andrews on soil health, cover cropping, and organic nutrient management planning and monitoring. She will also take attendees on a virtual tour of her farm, where she grows more than 300 varieties of vegetables and herbs, direct marketing product to consumers and local chefs. She participates in an OSU vegetable seed-breeding project, including conducting variety tastings with chefs. She will also show the native hedgerow she installed to provide habitat for beneficial insects and other wildlife.

Farmers will learn about future organic market opportunities in Idaho, through a session moderated by the Idaho State Department of Agriculture. Representative from Amy’s Kitchen and Clif Bar will discuss how they source organic products and the potential of sourcing ingredients grown in Idaho.

Jo Lynne Seufer of USDA Risk Management Agency will share information about a new crop insurance program, Whole-Farm Revenue Protection, designed for needs of specialty crop, organic and diverse farms.

The conference will be held at the Herrett Center of the College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, ID on Friday, January 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required by January 26th. Register online at or contact Arlie Sommer, or 503-312-1415.

Funding is provided in part by USDA.

Idaho and Oregon Alfalfa and Clover Seed Growers Association

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: January 8, 2015 by Jerry Neufeld

The Idaho and Oregon Alfalfa and Clover Seed Growers Association Winter Meeting is January 13, 2015 at the Hampton Inn in Nampa. Click on the pdf below for more information.

Pre licensing training for pesticide applicators

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: January 8, 2015 by Jerry Neufeld

A Pre-licensing training for Pesticide Applicators will be held in Caldwell, ID from March 17 to 20. Click on the pdf below for more information.

Spanish Pesticide Safety Training

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: January 8, 2015 by Jerry Neufeld

A Spanish Pesticide Safety Training will be held February 25, 2015 at the University of Idaho, Caldwell Complex Education Center from 8 am to 4:15 pm. Click on the pdf below for more information.

Treasure Valley Bean School

Announcements    Treasure Valley


Posted on: January 8, 2015 by Jerry Neufeld

The Treasure Valley Bean School will be held on January 30, 2015 from 8 am to 1 pm at the Hampton Inn in Nampa, ID. Click on the pdf below for more information.

Soil Health Symposium

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: January 8, 2015 by Jerry Neufeld

Various Soil and Water Conservation Districts in the Treasure Valley are offering the 6th Annual Soil Health Symposium in Ontario, OR on February 12, 2015. Click on the pdf below for more information.

Farm Safety-Net Programs

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: January 8, 2015 by Jerry Neufeld

The University of Idaho Extension and the USDA Farm Service Agency are offering training for the new farm safety-net programs. Training will be held January 30, 2015 from 10 am to 12:30 pm in Payette. Click on the pdf below for more information.

PNW Pest Alert Survey

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 15, 2014 by Jerry Neufeld

Thanks to everyone that completed a pest alert annual survey. The winners of the Outback Steakhouse gift certificates are Jason Myers, Aaron Ball and John Hartman. Certificates will be mailed out ASAP.

Farm Bill Information Sessions

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Oregon

Posted on: December 3, 2014 by Bill Buhrig

The 2014 Farm Bill is giving producers a chance to update their historical yield data and base acreage allocations with the Farm Service Agency in addition to choosing between PLC and ARC programs. To help growers with this process, a series of meetings in Malheur County have been scheduled. Please read the entire attachment regarding these meetings!!!!!!

Idaho Ag Market Outlook Seminar

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 1, 2014 by Jerry Neufeld

The Idaho Ag Market Outlook Seminar, offered by U of Idaho Extension, is being held at several locations across Idaho in December. Click on the pdf below for more information.

2014 Treasure Valley Irrigation Conference

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: December 1, 2014 by Jerry Neufeld

The Treasure Valley Irrigation Conference will be held Dec. 18 at the Nampa Civic Center. Click on the pdf below for more information.

Core Pesticide Recertification Class

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: November 26, 2014 by Stuart Reitz

Malheur County Extension will be conducting a Core Pesticide Training Class on December 12th from 8 AM to 12 PM.

The class has 4 credit hours for Oregon and for Idaho license holders, and it will satisfy the Core requirements for Oregon private applicators.

To register, please call the Extension office at 541-881-1417, submit the registration form on the attached pdf. There is a $10 registration.

2014 Treasure Valley Irrigation Conference

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: November 5, 2014 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf below for information about the 2014 Treasure Valley Irrigation Conference on Dec 18 at the Nampa Civic Center. Six CCA credits will be available.

Pesticide Applicator Recertification Training

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: November 5, 2014 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf below for information about the Pesticide Applicator Recertification training in Caldwell on Dec 11. There will be either up to six licence credits available.

Twin Falls County Pest Abatement District

Announcements    Magic Valley

Posted on: October 27, 2014 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf below if you are interested in applying to be on the Board of Trustees for the Twin Falls County Pest Abatement District.

Malheur County Pesticide Collection

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Oregon

Posted on: October 7, 2014 by Bill Buhrig

Please see the following attachments for information and registration on a Pesticide Collection for Malheur County to be held on October 22, 2014 at the Simplot Grower Solutions facility in Ontario. Registration is required to help us be prepared for what is coming. The collection contractor prefers registrations be submitted via scan/email or fax. The Malheur County Extension office will be happy to fax your form for you if you bring it in. Please read the entire brochure (we didn't write it just for fun)for the whole scoop and call 541-881-1417 if you have any questions.

In conjunction with this collection, there will also be an empty container collection. No registration needed for that but please make sure your containers are properly (triple) rinsed!!

2014 Japanese Beetle Field Season Finishes

Announcements    All Locations

Japanese Beetle

Posted on: October 6, 2014 by Paul Castrovillo

Traps all over the state came down last week signifying the end of Japanese Beetle (JB) monitoring in Idaho for the 2014 field season. In total 1,283 adult beetles were collected in the traps between June 19 and October 1. That is a 58% reduction compared to the 3,058 JB captured during 2013. This is attributed to the effect of targeted insecticide treatments that were part of the current JB eradication program in Boise. One area in the Warm Springs neighborhood where 1,930 beetles were trapped in 2013, and which was subsequently treated, produced only 92 adults this summer – down 95%. JB were not found in traps located anywhere else in the state.
Data is currently being analyzed and plans being made for monitoring/treatment of JB in 2015. This information, once finalized, will be available on the Idaho State Department of Agriculture website. With questions please contact or call 208-332-8627.

Pesticide Disposal Program

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: September 25, 2014 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf below for information about the Idaho State Department of Agriculture’s Fall 2014 Pesticide Disposal Program for several locations across southern Idaho.

ISDA pesticide disposal program

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: September 2, 2014 by Jerry Neufeld

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture will be holding a pesticide disposal program across southern Idaho in the coming days. Click on the pdf below for the schedule.

ODA Emergency Rule on Imidacloprid and Dinotefuran Use on Li

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Oregon

Posted on: July 11, 2014 by Stuart Reitz

On June 26, 2014, the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) enacted an emergency(temporary) rule prohibiting the use of any product containing the neonicotinoid insecticides dinotefuran or imidacloprid, regardless of application method, on linden trees.

The Temporary Administrative Rule will be in effect June 26 - December 23, 2014, OAR 603-057-0387.

Additional regulatory action may take place before or after the expiration date of the temporary

What Does this Mean to You?
This means that if you have a container label that provides directions for use on linden trees, you can not apply it to linden trees, basswood trees or other Tilia species.

This rule prohibits the use of dinotefuran or imidacloprid to Tilia spp., regardless of application method, including but not limited to: foliar, bark treatment, soil drench, tree or soil injection, bark injection, and basal bark application.

Malheur Experiment Station Farm Festival

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: July 3, 2014 by Bill Buhrig

Everyone is welcome to come and check out the 2014 edition of the Malheur Experiment Station's Farm Festival on Wednesday, July 9 just south of Ontario. There will be vendor booths, field tours and lunch will be served. It is free to attend and will be a good time! Please check out the link for more information including driving directions and the field tours schedule. Registration starts at 8am. See you there!

First Japanese Beetles of 2014 Caught in Boise

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Japanese Beetle

Posted on: June 23, 2014 by Paul Castrovillo

On June 19, the first two adult Japanese Beetles (Popillia japonica) of the 2014 field season were collected in a Japanese Beetle trap in Boise. ISDA has surveyed for this aggressive invasive pest from the eastern US since 1990. In 2012, 61 beetles were caught, most in downtown Boise, indicating the beginning of a possible infestation. An eradication program was begun in Boise in 2013, and trapping that summer turned up 2,999 beetles. The eradication program is continuing this year, with insecticide treatment of 500 residential/commercial properties, most Boise Parks and several areas on the BSU campus. The first treatments were conducted in May and a second treatment is scheduled in July. Traps have been set up with a very high concentration in the city of Boise and more dispersion throughout the rest of the state to continue to survey for beetle presence and monitor location and level of beetle activity to determine areas needing treatment. The flight period of adult Japanese Beetles typically begins in mid/late June and peaks around mid July. Adults feed on over 300 types of plants including roses and fruit trees, while larvae do considerable damage feeding on grass roots in areas with lawn and turf. If any Japanese Beetles are collected in Idaho, especially outside of the Boise area, please send the dead specimens, with collection location data, to Dr. Paul Castrovillo, Idaho State Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box 790, Boise, ID 83701.

2014 Malheur Experiment Station Weed Tour

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: June 6, 2014 by Jerry Neufeld

The following information is provided by Dr. Joel Felix, Associate Professor of Weed Ecology and Management at the Malheur Experiment Station with Oregon State University.

This is a reminder for the upcoming 2014 Malheur Experiment Station Weed Tour.
Date: Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Registration at 8:30-9:00am with coffee and donuts, at the Malheur Experiment Station, 595 Onion Ave, Ontario, OR
Tour will start at 9am.
Pesticide recertification credits will be offered (3 for Idaho and 2 for Oregon).
A complementary lunch will be served starting at noon.

The tour will feature weed management studies in direct-seeded onion, sugar beet, field corn, and potato. The first stop will be at our yellow nutsedge “field laboratory” along Hwy 201 just before crossing the rail tracks (if headed into Ontario). The stop along Hwy 201 will feature studies on yellow nutsedge control in onion and sugar beet. We will then proceed to the station and tour the studies on weed control in sugar beet, potato, and more onion.

This event is open to the public.

Please call 541-889-2174 or email if you need more information.

No-till Drill Tour

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Oregon

Posted on: May 13, 2014 by Bill Buhrig

OSU-Malheur County Extension and the Malheur County Soil & Water Conservation District invite all interested folks on a morning bus tour to grower fields that were planted with a no-till drill as part of the cultural program. This will take place May 22, 2014, will originate in Ontario at the SWCD office and work toward Jamieson and back. We will have lunch at the SWCD office upon our return. The attached flier has the details. We ask that you RSVP by calling 541-881-1417. It will be a good time!

The Importance of Preventing Drift - Sensitivity of Grapes

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: May 8, 2014 by Jerry Neufeld

Below, and in the attached file, is some good information provided by the Oregon Department of Agriculture about using phenoxy herbicides near grapes. Since we have a substantial acreage of grapes in the Treasure Valley, and there have been problems with this issue in the past, this is good information for Idaho as well.

The Importance of Preventing Drift - Sensitivity of Grapes

In Oregon, wine grapes are being planted into areas that traditionally have been field crops, Christmas trees, or pastures. Grapes particularly are sensitive to some of the herbicides used in these other crops, including the phenoxy herbicides (e.g., 2,4-D and MCPP). Herbicide drift can injure foliage, shoots, flowers, and fruits. The introduction and expansion of com¬mercial grape crops into these areas require that growers openly communicate with each other to ensure that all crops in an area can be produced without conflict.

If you plan to use an ester formulation of a phenoxy herbicide near a vineyard, talk to the nearby vineyard owner/manager. Find out if the grapes are at a particularly vulnerable growth stage, learn about how to minimize risks, and consider using alternative products. If you are a grape grower, share information regarding your crop with your neighboring growers (often multi-generational family farmers who may not be familiar with growing grapes) and help be part of the solution.

It is important to keep pesticides on their intended site of application. It is the responsibility of the pesticide user to fully learn about the properties of the pesticides used, including the potential to drift or volatilize. Drift can be minimized in a number of ways, including, but not limited to: reducing spray pressure, lowering boom height, using drift-reduction nozzles or certain spray adjuvants or selecting low or nonvolatile pesticides. Pesticide users should also learn about the factors which may influence drift, including: temperature, relative humidity, air flow patterns, temperature inversions and topography.

It also is critical that there is good communication between growers and hired commercial applicators. Growers should communicate information regarding nearby sensitive crops; this will allow the hired commercial applicator to take the necessary precautions.

It is all about common sense, good communication, being a good neighbor and having enough information to make informed decisions.

For more information:
Pacific Northwest Pest Management Handbook: Agrichemicals and Their Properties

Preventing Herbicide Drift and Injury to Grapes EM 8860 Revised February 2014

Pesticide Disposal Program

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: March 28, 2014 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf below for information about ISDA’s Pesticide Disposal Program schedule for 2014. Locations will be Nampa, Weiser, Lewiston and Coer D’ Alene.

Spanish Pesticide Safety Training

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: February 4, 2014 by Jerry Neufeld

A Spanish Pesticide Safety Training will be held February 25, 2014 in Caldwell, Idaho. Click on the pdf below for more information.

Treasure Valley Bean School

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: February 4, 2014 by Jerry Neufeld

The Treasure Valley Bean School will be February 12, 2014 at the Hampton Inn in Nampa, Idaho. Click on the pdf below for more information.

PestAlert evaluation gift certificates

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 13, 2013 by Jerry Neufeld

Thanks to everyone that recently completed an evaluation for the Pest Alert Network.

The winners of the $75 gift certificates to the Outback Steakhouse are Brett Lolley, Don Barowsky and Drew Glascock.

I will put the prizes in the mail today.

UI Winter Extension Programs

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: November 21, 2013 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf below for dates and locations of University of Idaho 2013-2014 Winter Extension Programs. Some of these programs will offer credits for pesticide licenses.

FSMA Comment Period

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: November 15, 2013 by Stuart Reitz

Due to the intermittent technical difficulties that have occurred in November with the website, which have prevented some people from submitting comments on FDA's Food Safety Modernization Act, FDA is providing more time for comments on both the proposed rule on produce safety and preventive controls for human food for an additional 7 days to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to comment.

This means that the close of the comment period, which was scheduled for today, November 15, will now be November 22.

You can continue to submit your comments at

For more information on FDA's Food Safety Modernization Act, visit

Treasure Valley Irrigation Conference

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: November 12, 2013 by Jerry Neufeld

The Treasure Valley Irrigation Conference will be held in Ontario, Or on December 17, 2013 at the Four Rivers Cultural Center. Click on the pdf below for more information about the program.

Pesticide Applicator Recertification Training

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: November 12, 2013 by Jerry Neufeld

A Pesticide Applicator Recertification Training sponsored by UI Extension and the Idaho State Department of Agriculture will be held on December 12, 2013 at the Caldwell Police Department public meeting room. Six license credits will be given out at the end of the day. Click on the pdf below for more information.

Pesticide MRL Workshop

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: November 8, 2013 by Jerry Neufeld

Attached is a flyer for an upcoming Pesticide Maximum Residue Level Workshop. Workshop is December 2, 9 am to 4:30 pm at Hampton Inn in Nampa, Idaho. Click on the pdf below for more information.

2013 IAPP Annual Meeting

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: October 30, 2013 by Jeff Miller

The final program for the 2013 Idaho Association of Plant Protection is finally available. The meeting will be held at the Sawtooth Inn Best Western in Jerome on November 5 from 1:00 to 5:00 pm and November 6 from 8:00 to 10:00 am. Registration begins at 12:00 pm on November 5. Please contact Jeff Miller at (208) 431-4420 if you have any questions.

Id. Assoc. Plant Protection Annual Mtg.

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: October 4, 2013 by Jerry Neufeld

The Idaho Association of Plant Protection is holding its annual meeting November 5-6 at the Sawtooth Best Western Inn in Jerome. Please see the attached memorandum for more information. Please feel free to share this invitation with anyone who may be interested.

Those interesting in presenting can fill in the attached form and return it to either Jeff Miller ( or Oliver Neher ( Please contact either Jeff or Oliver if you have any additional questions.

Pesticide Disposal Program

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: September 30, 2013 by Jerry Neufeld

Just want to remind everyone in the Treasure Valley, pesticide disposal at Pickle Butte Landfill is Thursday, October 3, 2013. Click on the pdf below for more detail.

unusable pesticide disposal pickup

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: September 5, 2013 by Jerry Neufeld

Victor Mason at the Idaho State Department of Agriculture is announcing the fall 2013 schedule for the statewide pesticide disposal program. Click on the pdf below to find a location near you.

Potato Progress

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: August 19, 2013 by Jerry Neufeld

Attached please find Volume XIII, Number 8.

In view of the recent finds of late blight in the Columbia Basin, Dennis Johnson (Professor of Plant Pathology at WSU) has offered the enclosed article on late blight management. This article is up-to-date and broadly applicable to irrigated potato production. You will also find in this issue some important announcements.

Andy Jensen, Ph.D.
Regional Research Director
For: Potato Commissions of Idaho, Oregon, & Washington
4032 N Ballantyne Ln.
Eagle, ID 83616

Home Office: 208-939-9965
Cell: 509-760-4859

Pesticide Disposal Program

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: August 7, 2013 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf below for information about the Idaho State Department of Agriculture’s Pesticide Disposal Program at various locations across Idaho starting in September.

Bellevue Organic Farm Offers Tour

Announcements    All Locations

Bellevue Organic Farm Offers Tour

Posted on: July 23, 2013 by Nora Olsen

Bellevue Organic Farm Offers Tour

Bellevue – Wood River Organics will host a field day and tour for produce growers and others interested in learning more about the process of organic farming.

Judd McMahan of Wood River Organics grows a variety of salad greens, as well as carrots, beets, tomatoes and cucumbers.

On July 31, McMahan will provide a tour of his greens and vegetable production, organic pest and weed management, cover cropping, specialized equipment for greens production, and his wash station and pack shed.

The tour is co-hosted by the Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides and is being offered as a follow-up to the winter workshop Direct Marketing & Wholesale Success: Post-harvest Handling & Food Safety for Fresh Produce Growers. Attening farms will receive a complimentary 312-page color manual, Wholesale Success: A Farmers Guide to Food Safety, Postharvest Handling, Packing and Selling Produce, produced by, which is valued at $70 (while supplies last).

The tour is $15 and includes lunch. Check-in is at 9 a.m.

Register by July 26 online at or with Jen Miller, or 208-850-6504. There is a $5 additional fee for late registration. The farm is located at 26 Townsend Gulch Rd in Bellevue. A map and driving directions are available at

Gem SWCD Summer Tour

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: July 22, 2013 by Jerry Neufeld

Attached is a flyer announcing the Gem County Soil and Water Conservation District Summer Tour on August 13, 2013. Click on the pdf below for more details.

Elm Seed Bug

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Elm Seed Bug

Posted on: July 1, 2013 by Jerry Neufeld

The Elm Seed Bug is out in force in the Treasure Valley and The Idaho State Department of Agriculture has been overwhelmed with phone calls from the public. The fact sheet below tells about all there is to know and do concerning this pest.

Malheur Experiment Station Field Day

Announcements    Treasure Valley

Posted on: June 28, 2013 by Jerry Neufeld

The OSU Malheur Experiment Station Field Day is July 10, 2013. Click on the pdf below for more information.

ODA restricts use of certain dinotefuran pesticides

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Oregon

Posted on: June 27, 2013 by Stuart Reitz

June 27, 2013... The Oregon Department of Agriculture is restricting the use of 18 pesticide products containing the active ingredient dinotefuran while it continues the investigation of a large kill of bumblebees in Wilsonville and Hillsboro this month. By adopting a temporary rule, ODA is taking action, in an abundance of caution, to avoid the potential of similar large bee kills this summer due to specific pesticide applications.

“I have directed the agency to take this step in an effort to minimize any potential for additional incidents involving bee deaths connected to pesticide products with this active ingredient until such time as our investigation is completed and we have more information,” says ODA Director Katy Coba. “Conclusions from the investigation will help us and our partners evaluate whether additional steps need to be considered.”

The ODA restriction focuses on ornamental, turf, and agricultural pesticide products that are used by both professional applicators and homeowners. Products with the active ingredient dinotefuran registered in Oregon for other uses, such as flea and tick control on pets or home ant and roach control, are not affected by the restriction. ODA’s concern is focused on those uses that may impact pollinators.

By statute, ODA has legal authority to establish limitations and procedures deemed necessary and proper for the protection of bees and other pollinating insects. The temporary rule, which goes into effect immediately, will be enforced for 180 days, by which time ODA is expected to complete its pesticide use investigations of the Wilsonville and Hillsboro incidents. Those investigations will determine if the pesticide applications were in violation of state and federal pesticide regulations, and will assist ODA in addressing any potential future actions.

ODA’s Pesticide Program has established a website with more information on the dinotefuran restriction, including a list of specific products affected as well as instructions for those who may have purchased these products. Go to .

Agricultural products containing dinotefuran include:
Product Name EPA Reg. No. Registrant
Safari 20 SG 33657-16-59639 Valent USA Corporation
Safari 20 SG 86203-11-59639 Valent USA Corporation
Safari 2 G 59639-149 Valent USA Corporation
Venom 59639-135 Valent USA Corporation
Scorpion 35SL 10163-317 Gowan Company

Please see the ODA announcement ( for a complete list of restricted pesticides and additional information.

potato psyllid identification and trapping workshops

Announcements    Treasure Valley

potato psyllid

Posted on: May 28, 2013 by Jerry Neufeld

Just want to remind everyone about the Potato Psyllid trapping and identification workshop from 1 to 3 pm today at the UI Parma R and E Center.

Potato Psyllid trapping and identification workshops will be held across Idaho in late May. There will be a workshop on May 28 at the UI Parma R and E Center, on May 29 at Miller Research in Rupert, and on May 30 at the UI Idaho Falls R and E Center. For more information, including times, click on the pdf below which will bring up the April 19, 2013 edition of the Potato Progress edited by Andrew Jensen.

Pesticide Disposal

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: April 11, 2013 by Jerry Neufeld

Idaho State Department of Agriculture is conducting a Pesticide Disposal Program in four Idaho locations this spring. The dates and locations are: Nampa, May 6; Weiser, May 7; Lewiston, May 8; and Coeur d’ Alene, May 9. Click on the image below for more information.

Food Safety Modernization Act

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: March 13, 2013 by Jerry Neufeld

The Food Safety Modernization Act will significantly impact growers, packers and processors in the coming years. Members of the food industry have the opportunity to submit comments to FDA on the proposed rules that will be used to regulate the food industry in the coming years. There is a need to be familiar with the proposed rules in order to submit relevant comments to FDA by the May 16, 2013 deadline. A multi-state team involving universities and regulatory agencies in partnership with FDA is offering five opportunities to review the proposed rules. FDA will be presenting information and offering input throughout the workshop. The nearest work shop will be held at the Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario, Oregon on April 19, 2013. Click on the pdf below for more information.

Outback Steakhouse Gift Certificate Winners

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 18, 2012 by Jerry Neufeld

Thank you to everyone who filled out a pest alert survey for 2012. The winners of the Outback Steakhouse Gift Certificates are Wyatt Croft, Andrew Bell, and Jim Shoemaker. Certificates are going in the mail today.

Jerry Neufeld

Idaho Irrigation Equipment Show and Conference

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: December 11, 2012 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf below for information about the Idaho Irrigation Equipment Show and Conference on January 10, 2013 at the Nampa Civic Center. One pesticide license credit is being offered.

Treasure Valley Irrigation Conference

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho


Posted on: November 28, 2012 by Jerry Neufeld

THIS IS NEW INFORMATION. We received six CCA credits and two Idaho Pesticide license credits for the Treasure Valley Irrigation Conference on Dec 6, 2012 at the Hampton Inn in Nampa. Click on the pdf below for more information.

Miller Research Potato Pest Management

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: November 15, 2012 by Jeff Miller

Many people have reported trouble opening the attachment for the Miller Research meeting. A corrected file is attached to this post.

Miller Research Potato Pest Management

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: November 14, 2012 by Jeff Miller

Please see the attached flier with information on the annual Miller Research Potato Pest Management Seminar. We will have presentations on Zebra Chip, foliar and soil-borne disease management, along with a presentation on sanitation for bacterial ring rot control. Dr. Erik Wenninger and Dr. Nora Olsen from the University of Idaho will be giving presentations as part of the meeting. We will have two identical meetings: one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Please RSVP soon as we are limiting the number of attendees in each session.

Sugarbeet Conference

Announcements    All Locations


Posted on: November 13, 2012 by Jerry Neufeld

The Snake River Sugarbeet Conference is December 13, 2012 at the Best Western Burley Inn and Convention Center. Click on the pdf files below to see the agenda and registration form.

Treasure Valley Irrigation Conference

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho


Posted on: November 9, 2012 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf below for information regarding the Treasure Valley Irrigation Conference on Dec 6, 2012 at the Hampton Inn in Nampa. CCA credits are pending. There will most like not be any pesticide license recertification credits.

Idaho Association of Plant Protection

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: September 19, 2012 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf below for information about a call for papers for the Idaho Association of Plant Protection in Jerome, Idaho on November 7 and 8, 2012.

Japanese Beetle

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Japanese Beetle

Posted on: August 16, 2012 by Jerry Neufeld

The pdf below contains information about the Japanese Beetle, a new invasive species recently detected in Ada and Kootenai Counties.

Elm Seed Bug

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Elm Seed Bug

Posted on: July 19, 2012 by Jerry Neufeld

Attached is a press release from the Idaho State Department of Agriculture about “Elm Seed Bug”, a new invasive insect found for the first time in the U.S. Click on the pdf below for more information.

Malheur Experiment Station Field Day

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: June 22, 2012 by Jerry Neufeld

Oregon State University will be hosting the “Summer Farm Festival and Malheur Experiment Station Field Day” on July 11, 2012. Click on the pdf below for more information.

Potato Psyllid and Zebra Chip

Announcements    All Locations

Potato Psyllid

Posted on: June 15, 2012 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf below for the latest edition (June 14) of the “Potato Progress”. This edition has an update on Potato Psyllid and Zebra Chip.

Zebra Chip and Potato Psyllid

Announcements    All Locations

Potato Psyllid

Posted on: April 27, 2012 by Jerry Neufeld

Zebra chip (ZC) and potato psyllid are on a lot of your minds this spring. To help industry
prepare for psyllid monitoring and scouting, several training sessions have been scheduled. The
workshops will have an open format, and we ask people to come any time that fits their schedule during
each session. This will allow more personal attention and access to specimens and samples as people
come and go. Dates, times, and locations for these sessions are:

May 1, 1:30 – 4 pm, Moses Lake, Potato Commission office, 108 S Interlake Rd.
May 2, 9:30 – noon, Pasco, Franklin County Extension office, 404 W. Clark Ave.

May 15, 9:30 – noon, Parma Research and Extension Center, 29603 U of I Lane, Parma
May 16, 9:30 – noon, Miller Research LLC, 426 East 200 North, Rupert
May 17, 9:30 – noon, Idaho Falls R & E Center, 1776 Science Center Dr.

April 17, 9:00 – 10:00 am, Hermiston Ag. Research and Extension Center, 2121 South First Street
May 1, 9:00 – 10:00 am, Hermiston Ag. Research and Extension Center, 2121 South First Street

ISDA Pesticide Disposal

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: March 15, 2012 by Tony McCammon

Hi folks:

Idaho State Department of Ag is conducting their unusable pesticide disposal program for SW Idaho, the last week of March. This is a program that is free to anyone who has old pesticides they wish to have “taken off their hands”. The Extension pesticide safety education program helps promote this program because it helps to prevent pesticide pollution and accidental poisoning from old pesticides that are sitting around in someone’s storage shed or garage. Please get the word out to your clientele. This is a NON-REGULATORY program offered by ISDA—it is a free service to the citizens of Idaho!!

Idaho Hay and Forage Conference

Announcements    All Locations


Posted on: February 14, 2012 by Jerry Neufeld

Attached is a pdf with information about the Idaho Hay and Forage Conference on March 1 and 2 in Burley, Idaho at the Best Western Burley Inn and Convention Center. There will be 3 Idaho pesticide license credits and 3 CCA credits available. Registration is thru Click on the pdf below for more information.

Sustainable Agriculture Symposium

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: February 2, 2012 by Tony McCammon

Attached is a flyer for our conservation district’s 3rd Annual Sustainable Agriculture Symposium to be held on Thursday, February 16, 2012, at the Four Rivers Cultural Center, in Ontario, OR.

U-Idaho Fruit Conference February 7-8

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: January 23, 2012 by Tony McCammon

Do you need Pesticide Certification Credits? Plan on joining the fruit industry for a pest management conference on February 7-8 in Weiser, Idaho. 8 Idaho and 7 Oregon Credits are offered. Open the attachments for registration details. Space is limited.

Treasure Valley Bean School

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: January 10, 2012 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the PDF below for information about the Treasure Valley Bean School to be held on February 1, 2012 at the Hampton Inn in Nampa.

Pest Alert website

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 20, 2011 by Jerry Neufeld

Thank you to everyone for filling out a pest alert survey for 2011. The winners of the Outback Steakhouse Gift Certificates are Wayne Smith, Jim Rooney, and Larry Lombard. Certificates are going in the mail today.

Jerry Neufeld

Pesticide Applicator Recertification Training

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: November 16, 2011 by Jerry Neufeld

The pdf below contains information about a 6 credit pesticide applicator recertification training on December 15, 2011 in Caldwell.

Pesticide Disposal Program

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: September 6, 2011 by Jeff Miller

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture is hosting its unusable pesticide disposal program in the Magic Valley and Eastern Idaho in September. The dates and locations for disposal are:
Rexburg on Sept 12 at the Madison County Transfer Station
American Falls on Sept 13 at the Power County Transfer Station
Burley on Sept 14 at the Bureau of Land Management Yard
Twin Falls on Sept 15 at the Twin Falls Canal Company
Collections will run from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM each day. The first 1,000 pounds are free and pre-registration is required. Only pesticides will be accepted – no fertilizers, paints, or oils.
If you have any questions, please contact the following:
Boise office - Victor Mason (208) 332-8628; Luis Urias (208) 332-8663 or Paula Chase (208) 332-8605
Twin Falls Office - Randy Quigley (208) 736-5277, Westy Pickup (208) 736-4759 or Jim Childs (208) 736-4790
Pocatello Office - Steve Riedy (208) 236-6091 or Kenneth Funk (208) 236-6352
Idaho Falls Office - Craig Carlson (208) 525-7037

Malheur Experiment Station Onion Variety Day

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: August 26, 2011 by Jerry Neufeld

You are invited to the Malheur Experiment Station Onion Variety Day presented by the OSU Malheur Experiment Station. Variety day is Tuesday August 30, 2011 from 9 AM to 1 PM. Complimentary lunch will be served. Please reserve lunch by calling Janet Jones at the Malheur Experiment Station, 595 Onion Ave., Ontario OR 97914, (541) 889-2174.

Malheur Experiment Station SUMMER FARM FESTIVAL

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: July 5, 2011 by Jerry Neufeld

YOU ARE INVITED TO THE Malheur Experiment Station SUMMER FARM FESTIVAL and Annual Field Day.
Presented by the OSU Malheur Experiment Station,
Ontario Chamber of Commerce, KSRV and others.

We will also feature: Agricultural Trade Show Booths and Many Different Events and Contests with Prizes.

July 13, 2011 from 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Complimentary lunch will be served.

Please reserve lunch by calling Janet Jones
(541) 889-2174 Or emailing her at

Malheur Experiment Station
595 Onion Ave.
Ontario, OR 97914

Cooperating to bring you the Summer Farm Festival and Field Days include the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, KSRV, OSU Malheur County Extension Service, University of Idaho, Malheur County Soil and Water Conservation District, Malheur Watershed Council, Owyhee Watershed Council, USDA NRCS, and the Lower Willowcreek Working Group.

Click on the pdf below for more information.

Pest Alert Website

Announcements    All Locations


Posted on: May 10, 2011 by Jerry Neufeld

Sorry for the multiple emails about the SWCD meetings for February. We are having website problems with an uncooperative computer. Please accept our apologies.

NPDES permits

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: March 29, 2011 by Jerry Neufeld

There has been much talk this winter about the new rule at EPA requiring producers and other pesticide applicators to have an NPDES permit if applying pesticides near or to water. The original court ruling required that EPA have this permit in place by April 9, 2011. The latest court ruling has just extended this mandate until October 31, 2011. You can see the judge’s ruling by clicking on the pdf below.

Spanish Pesticide Safety Training

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: February 1, 2011 by Jerry Neufeld

Attached is a pdf with information about an upcoming pesticide safety training conducted in Spanish.

Weed Short Course (Pesticide Credits)

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: January 26, 2011 by Steve Norberg

Weed Control Short Course
Feb. 15-16, 2011 (Applied for 12 ID, OR and WA credits, CCA credits also applied for)
Four Rivers Cultural Center

$65 per person until Feb. 7th
$75 per person after Feb. 7th

Lunch included in the price on the 15th.

For more information see attached file or call the Extension Office at 541-881-1417

Steve Norberg, Field Crops and Watershed Management

2011 Snake River Sugarbeet School

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: January 5, 2011 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf's below for more information about the 2011 Snake River Sugarbeet School which is January 13 and 14 at the College of Southern Idaho in Twin Falls.

Id/Or Winter Alfalfa Seed School

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: January 4, 2011 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf below for information about the 2011 Idaho and Oregon Alfalfa Seed Growers Association Winter Seed School.

Soybean Meeting

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: January 3, 2011 by Steve Norberg

How Soybeans will Help Increase Profits For Dairies and
Help Control Yellow Nutsedge Control in Onions

If you are struggling with either high protein costs for soybean meal or weed control in your onions, then do not miss this meeting.

2010 Soybean Meeting (Oregon State University)

January 6, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Malheur Extension Office
710 SW 5th Ave., Ontario, OR 97914
Please RSVP to the Extension Office by January 5 at 541-881-1417.

9:00 AM Welcome - Steve Norberg, OSU Field Crops and Watershed Mgt.

9:05 AM Why Onion Farmers Should Be Especially Interested in Growing Soybeans- Steve Norberg, OSU

9:20AM Market Development of Soybeans In Dairy - Lorne Clapson – Producer

9:50 AM Feeding Soybeans from a Nutritionist Perspective - Larry Burrows, Cargill Nutritionist

10:30 AM Break

10:45 AM How to Grow Soybeans and Soybean Variety Trials – Steve Norberg, OSU

11:45 AM First Year in Marketing Soybeans, (Tentative) Jon Sperl, Pendleton Grain Growers

12:00 AM Lunch – Courtesy of Monsanto, Syngenta, and Landview Fertilizer

1:00 PM Experiences Growing Soybeans in the Pacific Northwest- Panel

2:00 AM Seed Availability in Soybeans – TBA

2:15PM Adjourn

Organic Marketing Conference

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: November 18, 2010 by Nora Olsen

Organic Marketing Conference

Tuesday, December 7 to Wednesday, December 8
Twin Falls, Idaho

This two-day conference on marketing organic farm products, including vegetables, grains, forages, milk and livestock, will feature national, regional, and Idaho speakers. The second day includes trainings on developing an effective marketing plan, social media, a mock certified organic inspection, GAP audit, ISDA's 2011 organic promotion, and a series on financial management tools. Full conference details are available at

$50/person for both days; $35/person for one day

Register by November 26 at or by contacting Jennifer Miller at or 208-850-6504

pesticide applicator recertification training

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: November 12, 2010 by Jerry Neufeld

The pdf below contains information about a 6 credit pesticide applicator recertification training on December 8, 2010 in Caldwell.

ISDA Pesticide Disposal Program

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: September 9, 2010 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the PDF below for information about Idaho State Department of Agriculture’s Pesticide Disposal Program next week in eastern Idaho and the Magic Valley.

Treasure Valley Soybean Tour

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: August 20, 2010 by Steve Norberg

Treasure Valley Soybean Tour
Tentative Agenda
10 AM – 3:00 PM, August 24, 2010, Lunch Provided

Tour will start from the just north of Willow Creek at the junction of Hwy. 26 and 10th Ave. East.

10:00 AM Meet at Jerry Erstrom’s Soybean Field - just north of Willow Creek at the junction of Hwy. 26 and 10th Ave. East.

10:20 AM Leave Erstrom’s for Dave Patchett’s Organic Soybean Field

10:50 AM Arrive Dave Patchett’s Organic Soybean Field

11:10 AM Leave Patchett’s for Skyline Farm

11:30 AM Arrive Skyline Farm

11:50 AM Leave for Ontario (Malheur Extension Office)

12:10 PM Arrive Malheur Extension Office for Lunch Sponsored by Asgrow, Dekalb (Dan Rongen) and Croplan Genetics (Rick Spiecher)

12:30 PM Pendleton Grain Growers Interest in Soybeans (Not Confirmed Yet), Jon Sperl,

12:50 PM Leave for Parma R & E Center to look at Relay Cropping and Varieties

1:20 PM Leave for Syngenta R & E Center

1:50 PM Arrive Syngenta R & E Center (Ten miles north of Caldwell on

2:10 PM Tour Over and Drive Home

Pomology Field Day

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: August 12, 2010 by Jerry Neufeld

Please see the pdf below for information on the Pomology Program Annual Fruit Field Day at the Parma R&E Center.

Organic Field Day Offered

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: July 20, 2010 by Nora Olsen

Organic Field Day Offered

M&M Heath Farms, Buhl, Idaho
Wednesday, July 28
Registration at 9 am. Tour from 9:30 to 12:30 pm, followed by lunch.
Cost is $15
Mike Heath of M&M Heath Farms in Buhl, Idaho and Jennifer Miller with the Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides invite you to attend an organic field day on Wednesday, July 28.
Mike Heath has been farming organically for 28 years and currently runs 450 acres of certified organic production. He produces dry beans, grains, potatoes, hay, tomatoes, winter and summer squash, and a variety of other vegetables, as well as livestock.
Heath will describe his rotation, organic fertility management, and pest and weed management. He will provide a tour of his various potato varieties, dry beans, Austrian winter pea seed crop, new alfalfa stand, and squash, as well as his planters, cultivators and other equipment.
Last year, Heath participated in the Farm Bill EQIP-Organic Initiative through the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Mike Cothern from the Natural Resources Conservation Service in Twin Falls will be on-hand to discuss this program and others available to organic farmers.
The field day will also include updates from University of Idaho researchers on organic disease management, fertility management, and the Idaho Foundation Seed Program.
Registration starts at 9 am, with the tour from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Lunch will be served. The cost is $15. RSVP with Jennifer Miller by Friday, July 23 at or 208-850-6504.
Driving directions are available at

UI CALS Twilight Tour

Announcements    Magic Valley

Posted on: July 9, 2010 by Jerry Neufeld

Attached is a flyer with information about the July 21 UI CALS Twilight Tour at the Kimberly R and E Center.

Late Blight Information

Announcements    All Locations

Late Blight

Posted on: June 9, 2010 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf below for additional information from UI Plant Pathologist Dr. Phillip Wharton about Early and Late Blight in potatoes.

Late Blight Leaflet

Announcements    All Locations

Late Blight

Posted on: June 9, 2010 by Jerry Neufeld

Tomato and Potato Late Blight Alert Leaflet

In 2009, many gardeners and commercial farmers in the Northeast saw their entire crop of lovingly cared for tomatoes overcome with late blight and rot on the vine, while the plants withered up and died. Late blight is devastating on both tomato and potato plants and once the disease has taken hold of the plant there is very little that can be done to halt its progress. Last year the disease is thought to have started in tomato transplants and then spread from diseased tomato plants to healthy tomato and potato plants in surrounding gardens and commercial fields. Late blight can infect and kill plants within 10 days and the spores of pathogen can be carried in the air. The disease outbreaks that occurred in the Northeast last year were mainly due to a new strain of the late blight pathogen called US22. There was also an outbreak of late blight reported on potatoes in southeastern Idaho last summer. Fortunately, it was limited to only a couple of fields. However, what is worrying is that it was identified as being caused by the new US22 strain of late blight, suggesting that it also came from infected tomato plants. There were no confirmed reports last year in Idaho of late blight on tomatoes, but the presence of the US22 isolate suggest that late blight was probably more widespread in southeastern Idaho than reported. Idaho potato growers were extremely lucky last year. In the Northeast, the US22 isolate spread quickly from tomatoes to potatoes and caused widespread losses in commercial potato crops. This year there have already been reports of late blight found on tomatoes bought in a Walmart store in Kentucky, and those plants were identified as being produced in Michigan. With all the unseasonably wet weather we have been having in Idaho in the past few weeks it is important that people remain vigilant for signs of late blight in tomatoes and potatoes. The attached leaflet (click on the pdf below) is designed to help homeowners and growers identify diseased plants and informs them of what steps they can take if they think they have late blight on their plants.

For more information on late blight in Idaho you can call the University of Idaho late blight hotline (1-800-791-7195). Or for instant updates on the status of late blight and other diseases in Idaho you can follow us on Twitter at “” or sign up for SMS text message notifications by texting “follow potatodiseases” to 40404.

thrips control meeting

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho


Posted on: May 12, 2010 by Jerry Neufeld

Lynn Jensen, Onion and Potato Specialist with the OSU Malheur County Extension Office is planning a thrips control meeting on Monday May 17, 11:30am at the Malheur County Extension Office. One topic of discussion will be the newly granted Section 18 label on Movento. Pizza will be served. If you have any questions contact Lynn at 541.881.1417.

ISDA Pesticide Disposal Program

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: April 19, 2010 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf below for information about the Idaho State Department of Agriculture’s pesticide disposal program for this spring.

cull onion disposal

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: March 11, 2010 by Jerry Neufeld

The deadline for disposing of cull onions in Ada, Canyon, Gem, Payette, Owyhee and Washington Counties is March 15, 2010. Click on the pdf below for more information about disposal of cull onions.

Strip Tillage and No-till Drilling Under Sprinkler Irrigatio

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: February 11, 2010 by Steve Norberg

Strip Tillage and No-till Drilling Under Sprinkler Irrigation Meeting

February 16, 2009 at 9:00 AM, Four Rivers Cultural Center, Ontario, OR

Please RSVP to the Extension Office by February 12 at 541-881-1417.
Tentative Agenda

9:00 AM Welcome - Steve Norberg, OSU, Field Crops and Watershed Mgt.

9:05 AM Why Consider Strip Tillage or No-till Drilling? - Steve Norberg, OSU

9:30 AM How to Manage Soil Temperature in High Residue Conditions – Andy McGuire, Washington State University Extension

10:00 AM Strip Till and No till Machinery and Lesson’s Learned In Corn – Steve Norberg

10:45 AM Machinery for Planting in High Residue Conditions-Andy McGuire

11:30 AM Strip Tillage with Sugarbeets - Robert Downard, Amalgamated Field Man from Twin Falls District

12:00 Lunch (Courtesy of Sponsors)

1:00 PM Idaho, Natural Resource Conservation Programs for Strip Tillage and Reduced Tillage – Marlon Winger, State Agronomist

1:30 PM Farmer Experiences with No-till Drills - Jerry Stewart and Ryan Olsen

2:15PM Farmer Experiences with Strip Tillage – Kenneth Jensen, Rob Wagstaff, Tom Gregg, Ron Smith and Monte Heid

3:30 PM Adjourn

Strip Tillage and No-till Drilling Under Sprinkler Irrigatio

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: February 11, 2010 by Steve Norberg

Strip Tillage and No-till Drilling Under Sprinkler Irrigation Meeting
February 16, 2009 at 9:00 AM, Four Rivers Cultural Center, Ontario, OR

Please RSVP to the Extension Office by February 12 at 541-881-1417.
Tentative Agenda

9:00 AM Welcome - Steve Norberg, OSU, Field Crops and Watershed Mgt.

9:05 AM Why Consider Strip Tillage or No-till Drilling? - Steve Norberg, OSU

9:30 AM How to Manage Soil Temperature in High Residue Conditions – Andy McGuire, Washington State University Extension

10:00 AM Strip Till and No till Machinery and Lesson’s Learned In Corn – Steve Norberg

10:45 AM Machinery for Planting in High Residue Conditions-Andy McGuire

11:30 AM Strip Tillage with Sugarbeets - Robert Downard, Amalgamated Field Man from Twin Falls District

12:00 Lunch (Courtesy of Sponsors)

1:00 PM Idaho, Natural Resource Conservation Programs for Strip Tillage and Reduced Tillage – Marlon Winger, State Agronomist

1:30 PM Farmer Experiences with No-till Drills - Jerry Stewart and Ryan Olsen

2:15PM Farmer Experiences with Strip Tillage – Kenneth Jensen, Rob Wagstaff, Tom Gregg, Ron Smith and Monte Heid

3:30 PM Adjourn

Treasure Valley Bean School

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: February 1, 2010 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the link below for information about the Treasure Valley Bean School on February 18, 2010 in Caldwell, ID.

Treasure Valley Bean School

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: January 12, 2010 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the link below for information about the Treasure Valley Bean School on February 18, 2010 in Caldwell, ID.

Spanish Pesticide Safety Training

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: January 12, 2010 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the link below for information about a Spanish Pesticide Safety Training workshop on February, 11, 2010 in Weiser, ID.

Seed Production of Native Grasses and Forbs

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: January 12, 2010 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the link below for information about a workshop on “Seed Production of Native Grasses and Forbs” on February, 23, 2010 in Ontario, OR.

2010 Snake River Sugarbeet School

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 15, 2009 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf files below for information about the 2010 Snake River Sugarbeet School in Twin Falls on January 8, 2010.

Annual Pest Alert Survey

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 14, 2009 by Jerry Neufeld

Thanks to everyone that recently completed an evaluation for the Pest Alert Network.

The winners of the $75 gift certificates to the Outback Steakhouse are Shaun Blaser, Brandon Vining and Chan Cabalo.

I will put the prizes in the mail today.

potato grower workshop

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: December 1, 2009 by Jerry Neufeld

Lynn Jensen from the OSU Malheur County Extension Service is hosting a Potato Grower Workshop on Dec 10. Click on the pdf below for more information.

Crop Residue Burning

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: November 18, 2009 by Jerry Neufeld

Click on the pdf file below for information about an upcoming meeting sponsored by Idaho DEQ on the Crop Residue Burning Program.

Onion Variety Day

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: August 19, 2009 by Jerry Neufeld

The OSU Malheur County Experiment Station is hosting an Onion Variety Day on August 25, 2009 from 9 am to 1 pm. Click on the attached pdf for more details.

Pomology Fruit Field Day

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: August 5, 2009 by Jerry Neufeld

Dr. Essie Fallahi from the UI Parma R and E Center is hosting the Pomology Program Annual Fruit Field Day on Thursday September 3, 2009 starting at 8:30 am. Click on the pdf file below for more details.

Malheur Experiment Station Annual Field Day

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: July 7, 2009 by Jerry Neufeld

Malheur Experiment Station
Annual Field Day and FARM FESTIVAL

Presented by the OSU Malheur Experiment Station,
Ontario Chamber of Commerce,
KSRV and others

July 8, 2009 from 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Complimentary lunch will be served.

Please reserve lunch by calling Janet Jones
541) 889-2174
Or emailing her at

Malheur Experiment Station
595 Onion Ave.
Ontario, OR 97914

upcoming OSU ag events

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: May 14, 2009 by Jerry Neufeld

Lynn Jensen from the OSU Malheur County Extension office is inviting interested growers and allied industry to attend three upcoming events: 1) Thrips Seminar, 2) Weed Research Tour, and 3) Malheur Experiment Station Field Day. The pdf below has all the times, dates, etc.

pesticide disposal program

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: April 28, 2009 by Jerry Neufeld

Idaho State Department of Agriculture is conducting a Pesticide Disposal Program on May 11 in Nampa/Caldwell and on May 12 in Weiser. Click on the pdf file below for more information.

ISDA Pesticide Disposal Program

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: April 8, 2009 by Jerry Neufeld

Idaho State Department of Agriculture is conducting a Pesticide Disposal Program in four Idaho locations this spring. Click on the image below for more information.

Spudvine Newsletter

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: February 9, 2009 by Jerry Neufeld

Following is a link for the first 2009 edition of the Spudvine published by Dr. William Bohl from the UI Blackfoot Extension office.

Field Burning Training with DEQ

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: February 9, 2009 by Jerry Neufeld

Attached is a pdf file showing the dates that the DEQ is holding Grower Trainings for Crop Residue Burning in Southern Idaho.

Bean Meeting

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: January 27, 2009 by Jerry Neufeld

The Idaho Bean Commission and University of Idaho Extension are holding meetings in the Treasure (February 20) and Magic Valleys (March 3) to get input from bean growers and dealers. More information is in the pdf file below.

Pesticide Applicator Training

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: January 27, 2009 by Jerry Neufeld

University of Idaho Extension and Idaho State Department of Agriculture are conducting an Agricultural Pesticide Applicators Training on March 17, 18 and 20, 2009 at the UI Extension, Caldwell Complex. More information is in the pdf file below.

Irrigation Conference

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Oregon

Posted on: December 31, 2008 by Steve Norberg

Irrigation Conference:
Farmers and ranchers who might be thinking of purchasing a sprinkler system, or already use sprinklers in their operation should plan to attend the Sprinkler Irrigation Conference being offered by Oregon State University Malheur County Extension. The conference will be held at the Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario on January 6, 2009, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. For certified crop advisors 5 CEU's are available in the area of "Soil and Water".

According to Steve Norberg, Field Crops and Watershed Management Agent at the Malheur County office, experts in the field will be presenting timely information that will be useful to growers as they make plans for new sprinkler irrigation systems and improve on the systems they already have in place.

Growers will learn some of the advantages of using sprinklers in their operations, along with a local grower panel discussion, a segment on TMDL, and other topics such as reduced tillage systems with sprinklers, soil moisture monitoring/scheduling, runoff as impacted by irrigation systems, wheel track management, costs of pivots, followed by lunch, courtesy of several sponsors.

In the afternoon session, growers will receive information on working with their local irrigation districts, nutrient savings when using pivot irrigation, trouble-shooting sprinklers, some options with sprinkler systems, electrical options and programs and Environmental Quality Incentive Programs (EQIP) concerning irrigation.

If possible, please contact the Malheur County Extension office at 881-1417 by January 2, 2009 to RSVP.

Sprinkler Irrigation Conference

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 29, 2008 by Steve Norberg

Farmers and ranchers in Oregon and Idaho who might be thinking of purchasing a sprinkler system, or already use sprinklers in their operation should plan to attend the Sprinkler Irrigation Conference being offered by Oregon State University Malheur County Extension. The conference will be held at the Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario on January 6, 2009, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.

According to Steve Norberg, Field Crops and Watershed Management Agent at the Malheur County office, experts in the field will be presenting timely information that will be useful to growers as they make plans for new sprinkler irrigation systems and improve on the systems they already have in place.

Growers will learn some of the advantages of using sprinklers in their operations, along with a local grower panel discussion, a segment on TMDL, and other topics such as reduced tillage systems with sprinklers, soil moisture monitoring/scheduling, runoff as impacted by irrigation systems, wheel track management, costs of pivots, followed by lunch, courtesy of several sponsors.

In the afternoon session, growers will receive information on working with their local irrigation districts, nutrient savings when using pivot irrigation, trouble-shooting sprinklers, some options with sprinkler systems, electrical options and programs and Environmental Quality Incentive Programs (EQIP) concerning irrigation.

Please contact the Malheur County Extension office at 541-881-1417 by January 2, 2009 to RSVP.

Sprinkler Irrigation Conference

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 17, 2008 by Steve Norberg

Sprinkler Irrigation Conference

Farmers and ranchers in Idaho or Oregon who might be thinking of purchasing a sprinkler system, or already use sprinklers in their operation should plan to attend the Sprinkler Irrigation Conference being offered by Oregon State University Malheur County Extension. The conference will be held at the Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario on January 6, 2009, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.

According to Steve Norberg, Field Crops and Watershed Management Agent at the Malheur County office, experts in the field will be presenting timely information that will be useful to growers as they make plans for new sprinkler irrigation systems and improve on the systems they already have in place.

Growers will learn some of the advantages of using sprinklers in their operations, along with a local grower panel discussion, a segment on TMDL, and other topics such as reduced tillage systems with sprinklers, soil moisture monitoring/scheduling, runoff as impacted by irrigation systems, wheel track management, costs of pivots, followed by lunch, courtesy of several sponsors.

In the afternoon session, growers will receive information on working with their local irrigation districts, nutrient savings when using pivot irrigation, trouble-shooting sprinklers, some options with sprinkler systems, electrical options and programs and Environmental Quality Incentive Programs (EQIP) concerning irrigation. Five CEU credits for Certified Crop Advisors in Soil and Water have been applied for.

Please contact the Malheur County Extension office at 541-881-1417 by January 2, 2009 to RSVP.

Outback Steakhouse gift certificates

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 10, 2008 by Jerry Neufeld

Thanks to everyone that recently completed an evaluation for the Pest Alert Network.

The winners of the $75 gift certificates to the Outback Steakhouse are Brett Huse and Micheal Huff.

I will put the prizes in the mail today.

PAT Re-certification Training

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: November 20, 2008 by Jerry Neufeld

University of Idaho Extension, Canyon County and the Idaho State Department of Agriculture are sponsoring a pesticide applicator re-certification training on December 16, 2008 at the public meeting room in the Caldwell Police Department. Six Idaho, Oregon and CCA license credits are pending. All the details are on the attached pdf file. Call Jerry Neufeld at 459.6003 if you have any questions.

Idaho Association of Plant Protection Annual Meeting

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: October 29, 2008 by Jeff Miller

The Idaho Association of Plant Protection (formerly known as the Idaho Association of Plant Pathology) is holding their annual meeting at the Best Western Sawtooth Inn in Jerome on November 5-6. The cost is $15 per person to attend. The program is listed below. If you have any questions please contact Phil Nolte at 208-529-8376.

Best Western Sawtooth Inn and Suites, Jerome, ID
November 5-6, 2008

Wednesday afternoon, November 5
Time Title Speaker
12:30 Registration
1:00 Welcome Phil Nolte and Carl Strausbaugh
1:10 Group Discussion on Idaho pests: What did you see in 2008? Led by Phil Nolte
1:30 An update on potato viruses in Idaho, 2008 season Alex Karasev
1:50 Studies on beet curly top virus in Idaho: detection and diversity Alex Karasev
2:10 Seed treatments for control of pest & disease problems in sugarbeet. Carl Strausbaugh
2:30 Business Meeting – Treas report and election of co-chairs for 2008-9. Nolte and Strausbaugh
2:50 Break
3:10 Glyphosate, RR crops, nutrition and disease response: Discussion Don Huber
3:30 Fungicide seed treatments combined with management practices for control of seed-borne diseases of potato. Phil Wharton
3:50 Threatening global grains: The current status of UG-99 Juliet Windes
4:10 PVY in Idaho 2007-8 Rhizoctonia interaction? Will fungicides help? Black dot discussion: do fungicides work? Phil Nolte
4:30 Is the “Carbamate Kick” real? Mike Thornton
A total of 3 CCA (PM) and 2 ISDA Pesticide Recertification credits have been requested for this session.

Thursday morning, November 6
Time Title Speaker
8:00 Advances in late blight resistant varieties via Mexico Jonathan Whitworth
8:20 Phosphorus acid vs silver scurf Nora Olsen
8:40 Tactics to increase survival of winter barley Juliet Windes
9:00 Fungicides vs EB, WM, LB and plant health Terry Miller
9:20 Fungicides vs Rhizoctonia Jeff Miller
9:40 IYSV severity and incidence in Utah onions, 2008. Kent Evans
10:00 Break
10:20 New products and application methods for potato insects Terry Miller
10:40 Significance in Ag Science: What is “significant?” Jeff Miller
11:00 Hairy nightshade biology and control Pam Hutchinson
11:20 Insects in eastern Idaho, 2008 Wayne Jones
A total of 3 CCA (PM) and 3 ISDA Pesticide Recertification credits have been requested for this session.

PNW Vegetable Association Conference & Trade Show

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: October 24, 2008 by Jerry Neufeld

Vegetable Diagnosis Workshop, 18 November 2008, 2 - 6 pm at the Three Rivers Convention Center in Kennewick, WA.

The Pacific Northwest Vegetable Extension Group (PNW VEG) is organizing a hands-on vegetable diagnosis workshop in which participants will be presented with 12 field-based case studies of vegetable diseases, insect/mite pests, and other vegetable production problems. The case studies will be used to illustrate a systematic process of diagnosing vegetable problems. Instructors will guide participants through the diagnostic process to identify key questions and observations needed for identification of different types of vegetable problems and the specific causes. The workshop will be held in conjunction with the 2008 Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association (PNVA) Conference & Trade Show. For further information contact Sheri Nolan at the PNVA office: (509) 585-5460. To register for the workshop, visit the PNVA Events web page: Registration is limited to 60 people.

UI Annual Fruit Field Day

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: August 21, 2008 by Jerry Neufeld

Below is a flyer for the UI Annual Fruit Field Day to be held on Sept. 12 at the Parma R&E Center. Click on the image to view it. Please plan on joining us if you can.

field burning training

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: August 12, 2008 by Jerry Neufeld

There was an error in the August 6 posting regarding the Idaho DEQ training on smoke management to be held in Weiser. Below is the correct information.

Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is pleased to announce our current Idaho DEQ Grower Training schedule to Southwestern Idaho Counties, including Ada, Canyon, Gem, Payette, Adams and Washington.

• When: Tuesday August 19th at 7:00 am
• Where: Vendome Event Center, 309 State Street, Weiser, Idaho 83672
• Course Length: 1 ½ to 2 hours with question and answer period afterwards

There are no fees involved with this training, although there are fee requirements for your crop residue burning permit. If you have any questions regarding Crop residue burning, directions to the training or other Grower Training information please call us toll free at 1- 866-224-2456, or try (208) 373-0502 and ask for Jonathan Pettit or contact Michael Miller at (208) 860-1478.

field burning

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: August 5, 2008 by Jerry Neufeld

Attached are files with information about the new field burning procedures. You will want to read these files as the process for field burning has changed since the field burning program moved from ISDA to Idaho DEQ.

Malheur Experiment Station Field Day

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: June 30, 2008 by Jerry Neufeld

The Malheur Experiment Station Field Day is July 9, 2008. The pdf files below contain the program for the day.

UI Vegetable Field Tour

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: June 24, 2008 by Jerry Neufeld

Vegetable Field Tour
Parma R & E Center
July 8, 2008 - 1:30 pm


• Early Banded Nitrogen Sources for Onions

• Thrips and Iris Yellow Spot Virus Control Strategies

• Effect of Application Volume on Thrips Control with Carzol

• Onion Powdery Mildew
Sweet Corn

• Cultivars for Direct Market Growers in the Treasure Valley

• Sweet Corn Seed Treatments


• Green Manures and Trap Crops for Potato Cyst Nematode Eradication

• Specialty Processing and Fresh Market Potato Cultivars

• Management of Stem Number

• Evaluation of Perform Leaf Growth Regulator

No RSVP is necessary to attend Vegetable Field Tour, just show up. Refreshments will be served.

Malheur Experiment Station Field Day

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: June 17, 2008 by Jerry Neufeld

You are invited to the Malheur Experiment Station Annual Field Day presented by the OSU Malheur Experiment Station on July 9, 2008 from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. Complimentary lunch will be served. Please reserve a lunch by calling Janet Jones at (541) 889-2174 or

UI Small Grains Tour

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: June 10, 2008 by Jerry Neufeld

In case you missed the announcement in the last issue of the Cereal Sentinel newsletter, there will be a morning tour of the UI small grains research at the Parma Research and Extension Center on June 12. Registration starts at 9:00 and the tour will start about 9:20 AM. Topics include the following: Pest Update; cereal leaf beetle, stripe rust. Variety Performance; soft white and hard wheat, barley, winters and springs. Nitrogen fertilizer management for wheat and barley; timing, slow release N, banding/seed, late season N. Relay cropping oilseed in winter barley: soybeans, safflower, camelina, mustard, and corn.

Lunch will be served for those that register. Please join us for the morning if your schedule allows. If you need to contact Dr. Brad Brown you can call 208-722-6701 Ext. 216 to visit or leave a message. It is OK to indicate your intention to participate before Thursday, but it is not necessary.

ISDA Pesticide Disposal Program

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: April 30, 2008 by Jerry Neufeld

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture is sponsoring a pesticide disposal program in the Treasure Valley on May 12 and 13, 2008.

Click on the thumbnail at the bottom of this alert for more information.

AgrAbility Project

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: March 26, 2008 by Jerry Neufeld

When one family member has a disability, it has an impact on the whole family. This is especially true on farms and ranches where the work is often physically demanding. The Idaho AgrAbility Project offers farmers, ranchers, and members of their families with disabilities the opportunity to work with an Assistive Technology Practitioner (ATP) to determine what steps can be taken to adapt their tasks, facilities, or equipment to better meet their needs. The project also offers training to help families meet the challenge of farming or ranching with a disability.

For more information about the Idaho AgrAbility Project click on “Crop Info,” “Announcements,” and “AgrAbility Project” or contact United Cerebral Palsy in Boise at 377-8070 or 888-289-3289.

Malheur County Weed Tour

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: March 10, 2008 by Jerry Neufeld

The weed research program at the Malheur Experiment Station would like to announce the “Treasure Valley Weed Tour” on Thursday, June 5, 2008 in Ontario Oregon. Registration will start at 8:30AM at the Malheur Experiment Station, 595 Onion Ave, Ontario, OR 97914 and the tour will start at 9:00AM. Lunch will be provided at noon.

For more information and if you are planning to attend, please contact Janet Jones or call 541-889-2174.

Joel Felix, Ph.D., Oregon State University/Malheur Exp Station, 595 Onion Ave
Ontario, OR 97914

Spanish Pesticide Safety Training

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: February 7, 2008 by Jerry Neufeld

The University of Idaho Cooperative Extension System and the Idaho State Department of Agriculture will conduct a Spanish Pesticide Safety Training (conducted entirely in Spanish) on Wednesday, February 20, 2008 at the Vendome Activity Center (309 State Street) in Weiser, ID. The program will run from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. Topic items include Pesticide Handlers Safety Training; Pesticide Safety, Storage, Transport & Clean-up; Field Scouting; Personal Protective Equipment; and the Worker Protection Standard. The program is free and includes refreshments and lunch. To RSVP or for more information contact the Canyon County Extension Office at 459-6003 by Friday, February 15.

IPPMA Meeting

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: February 6, 2008 by Nora Olsen

The annual Idaho Potato Pest Management Association (IPPMA) meeting is scheduled for February 7, 2008 at the Odd Fellow’s Hall, Wendell, Idaho. All are welcome. The meeting will start at 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Lunch is provided. Two (2) Idaho Pesticide Recertification credits are available.

Topics will include:
•Potato Leaf Roll Virus, Green Peach Aphids and the IPPMA
•PVY in Idaho 2007
•Affect of stress on tuber quality
•Update on Potato Cyst Nematode in Idaho
•Commodity Trends Shaping Idaho Agriculture
•Managing white mold: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
•Regent: A New Insecticide for Wireworm Control in Potatoes

If you have any questions, contact Nora Olsen at 736-3621 or

Cereal Schools for Southeast Idaho

Announcements    Eastern Idaho

Posted on: January 28, 2008 by Juliet Windes

Don't forget the UI Cereal Schools scheuled for this week (as long as the weather doesn't prevent travel!). For the entire agenda, see our website and click on "Upcoming Events."

Registration is at 8:30 AM. A $10 registration fee will help offset the cost of lunch.
January 30: Pocatello
January 31: Idaho Falls and Ashton
February 1: Preston (fire house)

Burley Cereal School

Announcements    Magic Valley

Posted on: January 28, 2008 by Juliet Windes

Don't forget the Burley Cereal School scheuled for tomorrow, January 29, 2008. For the entire agenda, see our website and click on "Upcoming Events."

Registration is at 8:30 AM, at the Burley Inn, Exit 208, 800 N. Overland Ave. A $10 registration fee will help offset the cost of lunch.

Crop Protection Seminars

Announcements    Eastern Idaho

Posted on: January 22, 2008 by Juliet Windes

Six state recertification credits and 5.5 CCA credits will be available for attendees to this years' Crop Protection Seminars in Idaho Falls and Pocatello. Idaho Falls Seminar Will be 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM on Tuesday, February 5th. Pocatello's will be during the same time frame on February 6th. The first half of the day will mostly deal with cereal diseases and pest problems, and the pesticides used to control them, and the second half will mostly be about potato disease and pest problems. For agenda details, please see the UI Cereals Extension Website at:
If attending, please RSVP to Juliet Windes at or 208-529-8376. We need to know the number fo people going at each location in order to plan lunch. And lunch is FREE!

OSU Pesticide Short Course

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: January 17, 2008 by Jerry Neufeld

Below is information about the Oregon State University Extension Pesticide Chemistry, Toxicology, and Policy Short Course at the Convention Center in Ontario on February 13-14, 2008.

Tentative Agenda

Wednesday, February 13
12:00- 1:00 p.m. Registration
1:00 -1:15 p.m. What can we learn from our mistakes? What at Stake? – Lynn Jensen, OSU
1:15 – 1:45 p.m. Importance of following Labels & Laws – Ronda Hirnyck, UI
1:45 – 2:30 p.m. IR-4 Minor Crop Registration – Joe DeFrancesco, OSU
2:30- 2:45 p.m. Break
2:45 – 3:30 p.m. Mode of Action of Herbicides – Andy Hulting, OSU
3:30 -4:15 p.m. Pesticide Drift Mitigation in the Columbia Basin – Larry Bennett, OSU
4:15 -5:00 p.m. Pesticide Stewardship Partnerships – Kevin Masterson, DEQ EPA Fumigant
5:00 p.m. Adjourn

Thursday, February 14
7:00-8:00 a.m. Registration
8:00 – 8:40 a.m. Vegetative Buffers to Protect Water Resources – Sandy Halstead, EPA Reg. 10
8:45 – 9:30 a.m. EPA Fumigant Mitigation Proposal – Dirk Helder- EPA Office of Pesticide Programs
9:30 – 10:15 a.m. Pesticide Use Reporting – Laurie Gordon, ODA
10:15 – 10:30 a.m. Break
10:30 – 11:10 a.m. Environmental Monitoring – Kim Anderson, OSU
11:15 a.m. -12:00 p.m. Registration of New Pesticides – Laurie Gordon, ODA
12:00-1:00 pm Lunch

1:00 – 1:45 p.m. Pesticide Impacts on Aquatic Resources in the PNW – Jeff Jenkins, OSU
1:45 -2:30 p.m. Pesticide Lawsuits Update and How They Affect You – Laurie Gordon, ODA
2:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Break
2:45 – 3:30 p.m. Herbicide Fate after spraying – Jeff Jenkins, OSU
3:30 – 4:15 p.m. Basic Principles Toxicology – Kaci Agle, OSU
4:15 – 5:00 p.m. Overview of National Pesticide Information Center – Melody Johnson, OSU
5:00 p.m. Adjourn

OSU Short Course Registration Form

Name:__________________________________ Phone:________________


City:_______________________ State:________________ Zip:_________

License #:____________________________

Registration Fee: Before January 31 - $60.00
After January 30 - $65.00

Please make checks payable to: OSU, Agriculture Research Foundation (ARF)
Mail fee and registration form to: Malheur County Extension Office
710 SW 5th Ave Ontario, OR 97914

For any additional information, please contact the Malheur County Extension Office at 541-881-1417.

There will be 12 Idaho and Oregon pesticide license credits and 9 CCA credits.

Idaho/Oregon Winter Alfalfa Seed School

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: January 4, 2008 by Jerry Neufeld

The 2008 Idaho-Oregon Alfalfa Seed Growers Winter Meeting will be held Tuesday January 15, 2008 from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM at the Four Rivers Cultural Center (676 SW 5th Ave) in Ontario, Oregon.

Highlights of the program are:
• Status of Roundup Ready Alfalfa – Sidney Able,
• How Effective are the New Soft Insecticides in
Alfalfa Seed - Dr. Jim Barbour, University of Idaho
• Update on Pesticides Issues – Katy Coba
Director, Oregon Department of Agriculture
• Green Ketchup, Dodos and Edsels – Pat Takasugi,
The Weatherman

2 Oregon and Idaho Pesticide Credits Applied have been applied for, buffet Lunch Provided

Please RSVP to Malheur County Extension Office at 541-881-1417 by January 10, 2008. Ask for Steve Norberg if you have questions.

Gift certificates to Outback Steakhouse

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 7, 2007 by Jerry Neufeld

Thanks to everyone that completed an evaluation survey. Winners of the two gift certificates to Outback Steakhouse are: Bob Simerly from Nyssa, OR and Steve Martineau from Nampa, ID. Gift certificates will be mailed today.

Irrigation Conference

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: December 4, 2007 by Jerry Neufeld

The Treasure Valley Irrigation Conference will be held on Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 8 am to 4:30 PM at the Hampton Inn, 5750 E Franklin Rd, Nampa. The conference is sponsored by the University of Idaho, Idaho Power, Clearwater Supply Company and USDA/NRCS.

Topics will include: Water Supply Issues in the Magic & Treasure Valleys, 2008 Water Supply Forecast, Growing Pains – Changes in Irrigation, NRCS EQIP Program, Agricultural Water Issues: Today and Tomorrow, Cost Sharing Opportunities, Power Supply Outlook for the Treasure Valley and Weiser SCD Water Quality Demonstration Project.

Cost: $25 pre-paid by December 12; $35 after December 12th (registration includes conference, BBQ lunch and breaks). For more information and registration forms click on “announcements” “2007 Irrigation Conference” and then the link that appears. Also, you can call the University of Idaho, Canyon County Extension Office at 459-6003.

pesticide applicator recertification training

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: November 20, 2007 by Jerry Neufeld

A pesticide re-certification training will be held on Tuesday, December 18, 2007. Registration starts at 8:00 am at the Caldwell Police Department public meeting room (110 S 5th). The program will end at 4:30 pm. Among the topics will be; Update on Invasive Ag Pests, 21 New Noxious Weeds in Idaho, Production Practices for Roundup Ready Sugarbeets and Agricultural Water Quality Issues. Idaho license holders will receive 6 credits, and CCA credits have been applied for. Registration is $30.00 including lunch and breaks. You must call the Canyon County Extension office at 459.6003 to RSVP so we have an accurate head count. However, you still pay your registration at the door.

Pest Management Meeting

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: November 20, 2007 by Jeff Miller

Miller Research Crop Pest Management Workshop
December 11, 2007
Best Western Conference Center
800 N. Overland Ave.; Burley, ID

For all potato and sugarbeet growers and consultants:

Come to learn the latest information on managing pests of potato and sugar beets. Presentations will discuss the pros and cons of using chemical and cultural practices to manage diseases and insect pests of both crops.

There is no cost to attend this meeting.


8:00-9:00 New information on pink rot management.

8:30-9:00 Effect of metam sodium on potato disease control and sugar beet weed management.

9:00-9:30 Fungicides for controlling early blight and black dot in potato and secondary effects on white mold.

9:30-10:00 Fungicides for Rhizoctonia control in potatoes.

10:00-10:30 Insecticides for control of Colorado potato beetle and green peach aphid in potatoes.

10:30-11:00 New research for managing post-harvest diseases in potatoes.

11:00-11:30 Value of cultivation for weed control in RoundUp Ready sugar beets.

11:30-12:00 Seed treatment vs. in-furrow insecticides for insect control

Presentations will be given by Dr. Jeff Miller and Dr. Terry Miller and will focus on new results from fungicide and insecticide trials relating to product rates, application timing and methods, and strategies for avoiding the development of fungicide resistance in pest populations. Most of the research discussed here has been sponsored by the Idaho Potato Commission and Snake River Sugar Company.

Please RSVP to Jeff Miller at 208-531-5124 or by email at:

IAPP annual meeting on November 7-8

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: November 5, 2007 by Jeff Miller

The finalized program for the 2007 IAPP meeting is finally available. We apologize for being so late this year. There will be 3 CCA credits offered for each day. Additionally, 2 ISDA credits are available for Wednesday and 3 for Thursday.

If you have any questions, please call Jeff Miller at 531-5124 or 431-4420.

Best Western Sawtooth Inn and Suites, Jerome, ID
November 7-8, 2006

Wednesday afternoon, November 7
12:30 Registration
1:00 Welcome by Phil Nolte and Jeff Miller
1:10 Urban Lesions (Diseases in an urban setting) by Wayne Jones
1:30 Recent State Surveys of Plant Pathogens by Liz Vavrica
1:50 Influence of BNYVV on Sugar Beet Storability by Carl Strausbaugh
2:10 Working in concert: Plant defense genes and pathways responding to crown rot infection in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) seedlings by Jill Petrisko
2:30 Business Meeting – Treasurer’s report and election of co-chairs for 2007.
2:50 Break
3:10 Managing Sugar Beet Diseases by John Gallian
3:30 Impact of Global Warming on Crop Production in Idaho by Juliet Windes
3:50 Frost Protection and Disease Control with Strobilurins on Sugar Beets by Jeff Miller
4:10 Value of Cultivation on RoundUp Ready Sugar Beet Production by Terry Miller
4:30 How Different is Managing White Mold in Beans Compare to Potato? by Jeff Miller
A total of 3 CCA (PM) and 2 ISDA Pesticide Recertification credits are available for this session.

Thursday morning, November 8
8:00 New Research on Fungicides for Potato Disease Management in Storage by Lynn Woodell
8:20 New Strains of PVY by Alex Karasev
8:40 PVY in Idaho in 2007 by Phil Nolte
9:00 Effect of Potato Varieties on Developing Suppressive Soils by Jim Davis
9:20 Can Vapam be Used to Promote Biological Control? by Jim Davis
9:40 Group Discussion on Potato Diseases: What did you see in 2007? Led by Jeff Miller
10:00 Break
10:20 Green Manures: Putting Theory into Practice by Shane Clayson
10:40 Potato Cyst Nematode Update by Eoin Davis
11:00 Bacterial Bud End Tuber Decay in Potato by Terry Miller
11:20 Pros and Cons of Pink Rot Management with Fungicides by Jeff Miller
A total of 3 CCA (PM) and 3 ISDA Pesticide Recertification credits are available for this session.

Fall Pesticide Disposal

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: August 20, 2007 by Jeff Miller

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) is preparing for an unusable pesticide collection this fall. Pesticides will be accepted from virtually all sources including farmers, homeowners, pesticide applicators, researchers, pesticide dealers, etc. Herbicides, rodenticides, fungicides, insecticides, and all other “-icides” will be accepted. However, fertilizers, spent motor oil, antifreeze, paint, or similar waste will NOT be accepted. There is no cost for the first 1,000 pounds. Pre-notification of the total pounds of pesticide being brought is required and can be done by calling your local ISDA field office. Participants will sign a release, transferring ownership of the pesticides to the ISDA at the collection site in accordance with PDP rules.

Collection times run from 9:00 to 1:00 at the following:
Rexburg (Madison County Solid Waste Transfer Station): September 10
American Falls (Power County Landfill): September 11
Burley (Bureau of Land Management): September 12
Twin Falls (Twin Falls Canal Company): September 13

To pre-register please call Victor Mason at 208-465-8442 or your local field office:
Boise office: Rodney Gabehart at 208-332-8608 or Bob Spencer at 208-332-8613
Nampa office: Victor Mason at 208-465-8442
Idaho Falls: Steve Hobley at 208-525-7158
Pocatello: Steve Riedy at 208-236-6091 or Kenneth Funk at 208-236-6352
Twin Falls: Randy Quigley at 208-736-5277 or Jim Childs at 208-736-4790

Pre-registration is required to participate. If no pre-registrations are received, a collection site may be cancelled.

More information can also be found at

Malheur Exp. Sta. Field Day July 11

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Oregon

Posted on: July 9, 2007 by Clint Shock

We would like to invite you to the Malheur Experiment Station Field Day, July 11th, 2007

8:30 - 9:00 Registration

9:00 - 10:30
Tour A: Weed Control or
Tour B: Drip Irrigation, “Permanent” Drip Irrigation, and Wildflower Seed Production

10:30 - 12:00
Tour C: Onion Production
Tour D: Cereal Tour

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch

Program on Russian Knapweed, Joel Felix and Gary Page (Malheur County Weed Inspector)


Tour E: Saving Electricity: Operating Motors Efficiently on Single-Phase Power

RSVP to Jan Jones at (541) 889-2174 or

More information see

Snake River Weed Research Tour

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: May 23, 2007 by Nora Olsen

Mark your calendars now for the Snake River Weed Research Tour. The tour will be held at the Aberdeen R&E Center on June 19 and at the Kimberly R&E Center on June 20. Both locations will start with registration at 8:00 am and the tour begins at 8:30. They will conclude with an industry sponsored lunch at 12:00.

At Aberdeen the tour will focus on weed control research in potatoes.

At Kimberly the tour will feature weed control research in Roundup Ready sugar beets, spring wheat and barley, field corn, and potatoes.

For more information, contact Don Morishita at 736-3600 or Pamela Hutchinson at 423-4691.

Approved Section 18 and 24c labels

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: May 10, 2007 by Jerry Neufeld

A complete list of approved section 18 and 24c labels for Idaho and Oregon can be found at the following links:



Approved Section 18 & 24c Labels for Idaho, 2007

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: May 1, 2007 by Jerry Neufeld

To view the current list of Section 18 and 24c labels for Idaho click on the following links: "Crop Info" "Announcements" and "Approved Section 18 and 24c Labels for Idaho, 2007".

ISDA Pesticide Disposal Program

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: April 27, 2007 by Jerry Neufeld


Collections scheduled for southwestern Idaho are safe, legal and free

NAMPA, Idaho – Southwest Idaho agricultural producers, dealers, applicators and homeowners who are storing unusable pesticides will have a safe, legal and free opportunity to dispose of them this May when the Idaho State Department of Agriculture conducts pesticide disposal collections in Canyon County and Washington County.

Participation is free for the first 1,000 pounds of unusable pesticides per participant. Anyone with unusable herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and rodenticides should bring them to the closest collection site between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on the date and location listed below (sorry no fertilizer, micronutrients, paint, solvents or motor oil can be accepted):

Date City Location

15500 Missouri Ave., Nampa, ID

550 Indian Head Road, Weiser, ID

“These collections provide a mechanism for disposing of pesticides in an environmentally sound manner,” said Victor Mason II, manager of the department’s pesticide disposal and container recycling programs.

Since 1993, the Idaho State Department of Agriculture has safely disposed of more than three quarters of a million pounds of unusable pesticides. Pesticides become unusable for many reasons, including loss of potency, exposure to temperature extremes, cancellation or suspension by state or federal authorities, or growers’ decisions to change their cropping rotations or practices.

For more information about the collections, please see our website at:
Or call us at (208) 465-8442, or you may also call us at the Boise office at
(208) 332-8605.

2007 Treasure Valley Bean School

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: January 29, 2007 by Jerry Neufeld

The 2007 Treasure Valley Bean School will be held on Monday February 26, at the Oregon Trail Church of God Gymnasium (23057 Old Highway 30, Caldwell; Exit 25 on I-84) from 8:00 am to 1:30 pm. BBQ lunch will be served. Pesticide license credits are pending.

Topics will include:
• Dry Bean Breeding Research Update.
• Pesticide Applicator Enforcement Violations and Concerns,
• Seed Treatments,
• Idaho Bean Commission Work in Mexico,
• Idaho Bacterial Blight Association.

There is no cost to attend, but you must RSVP to the Canyon County Extension office at 459-6003 by February 21. Call Jerry Neufeld at the 459-6003 if you have any questions.

Weed Control Short Course

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: January 26, 2007 by Jerry Neufeld

On February 14 (8AM to 5 PM) and 15 (8AM to Noon) Oregon State University Extension will be offering a weed short course on many topics of interest. The program will be held at the Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario. This program costs $50 if you register before January 31st, and costs $55 after January 31st. The registration cost includes lunch on the 14th. We expect the event will provide 11 to 12 hours of Oregon and/or Idaho Pesticide Credits. If you are interested please call Lynn Jensen at 541-881-1417.

Topics include: Mode of Action of Herbicides, Glyphosate Resistant Weeds, Herbicide Persistence in the Soil, Invasive Weeds, Gene Flow from Crops to Weeds, Weed Seed Dispersal and Viability in the Soil, Grass Seedling Identification, Weed Control in Corn and Sugarbeets, White Top Biology and Control, Yellow Nutsedge Biology and Control, Fate and Behavior of Typical and Alternative Herbicides, Reducing Pesticide Drift Through Weather and Climate Information, Right of Way Weed Control.

U of I Crop Protection Meeting Feb. 6 (Idaho Falls) and 7 (P

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: January 2, 2007 by Jeff Miller

The 2007 University of Idaho Crop Protection Seminar will be held February 6 at the Shilo Inn in Idaho Falls and February 7 at the Ramada Inn in Pocatello. The program begins at 8:30 and ends at 4:45 and is identical at both locations. Meeting attendees can obtain 6 ISDA pesticide recertification credits (3 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon) and 6.5 Pest Management Certified Crop Advisor credits (CCA, 3 in the morning and 3.5 in the afternoon). Lunch is provided by the meeting sponsors at no cost. Please RSVP to Jeff Miller by phone (208-397-4181 ext. 108) or email ( by February 2 so that we can plan appropriately for lunch. Sponsors for the meeting include: Amvac, BASF, Bayer, Dow, DuPont, FMC, Gowan, Northwest Ag Products, Syngenta Crop Protection and Seed Treatment, and Valent.

Pesticide Applicator Recertification Training

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 4, 2006 by Jerry Neufeld

A pesticide re-certification training will be held on Tuesday December 19, 2006. Registration starts at 8:00 am at the Caldwell Police Department public meeting room (110 S 5th). The program will end at 4:15 pm. Among the topics will be; West Nile Virus and Mosquito Abatement Districts, Noxious Weeds in Idaho, Potato Cyst Nematode Update, Iris Yellow Spot Virus in Onions and Pesticide Applicator Enforcement Violations and Concerns. Idaho license holders will receive 6 credits. Six Oregon and CCA credits have been applied for. Registration is $30.00 and includes lunch and breaks. You must call the Canyon County Extension office at 208.459.6003 to RSVP so we have a head count. However, you still pay your registration at the door.

evaluation prizes

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 4, 2006 by Jerry Neufeld

Thanks to everyone that participated in the TV/ evaluation survey. We will use the information you submitted to make the website better suit your needs.

The winners of the $75.00 gift certificates to Outback Steakhouse are Jeff Harper and Virgil Story. I will put the certificates in the mail ASAP.

Credit update for IAPP annual meeting

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: October 27, 2006 by Jeff Miller

This is another reminder of the annual meeting of the Idaho Association of Plant Pathology in Jerome, ID on November 8-9. Registration ($15.00) will begin at 12:30 pm on Wednesday with the program running from 1:00 to 5:00. Wednesday will be devoted to presentations dealing with potato diseases. The Thursday program will go from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon and will cover sugarbeets, fruit, and small grains.

Three CCA (pest management) credits will be available each day. Two ISDA pesticide recertification credits are available on Wednesday and three will be given on Thursday.

Please respond to Jeff Miller by phone (208-397-4181) or email ( if you will be attending or if you need additional information.

2006 Idaho Association of Plant Pathology annual meeting

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: October 17, 2006 by Jeff Miller

The 2006 Idaho Association of Plant Pathology will be meeting November 8-9 at the Best Western Sawtooth Inn and Suites in Jerome, ID. The topics to be presented at the program can be found on the web at:

Registration begins on Wednesday, November 8 at 12:30 and the program will begin at 1:00. CCA and Idaho State Pesticide credits have been requested and a follow-up alert will be published indicating the number granted.

Please contact Jeff Miller at or 208-397-4181 for more information.

Organic Cropping Systems Field Day

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: September 18, 2006 by Jeff Miller

The Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, the Potato Growers of Idaho, and the University of Idaho are holding an Organic Cropping Systems Field Day on Wednesday, October 4 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm near Blackfoot. Potatoes, barley, sweet corn, and alfalfa will be featured.

The following presentations will be given:
Organics: Consumer Interest and Market Opportunties (Jennifer Miller and Keith Esplin)

USDA Organic Certification Program (Margaret Misner)

Organic Potato Harvest Tour and Rotation Crops (Bryan Hopkins)

Organic Barley Production (Juliet Windes)

Organic Potato Cropping Systems: Three Examples (Fred Bossy, Mike Heath, and Nate Jones)

Organic Potato Storage (Nora Olsen)

To get to the field, take exit 89 off I-15 and turn west. Take an immediate right to go north for 0.5 miles and then west for 2.3 miles on Riverton Rd. Turn left onto Blackhawk Rd. and travel south for 0.5 miles. Turn west into the field.

Pesticide disposal for eastern and south central Idaho

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: September 15, 2006 by Jeff Miller

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture is sponsoring their fall pesticide disoposal program. Disposal of all pesticides is free (first 1,000 pounds), but disposals MUST be pre-registered.

Information on the program can be found at the ISDA web site at:

If the link above does not work, go to the following link:

Click on "Pesticides and Chemigation" on the left hand side of the page. At the next page click on "Pesticide Disposal" o the left hand side of the page.

On the pesticide disposal page, click on the "PDP Fall 2006 Schedule" link to see the pdf file outlining the details of the disposal program.

Idaho Association of Plant Pathology Annual Meeting

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: September 8, 2006 by Jeff Miller

The 2006 annual meeting of the Idaho Association of Plant Pathology will be held in Jerome, ID at the Best Western Sawtooth Inn and Suites on November 8-9, 2006. Short presentations (15-20 minutes) will be given on plant disease research results, observations, unusual disease occurrences, etc. Anyone interested in giving a presentation should contact Jeff Miller no late than October 2. A final program with the listing of topics will be available in early October. Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) and Pesticide Recertification credits (ISDA) will be available.

Registration begins at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday Nov. 8 and the program will begin at 1:00 p.m. Registration costs $15.00 and can only be made by check or cash. Hotel reservations at the Best Western Sawtooth Inn can be made by calling 208-324-9200. Indicate you will be attending the IAPP meetings. Regular rooms are available at the corporate rate of $69.95, but reservations must be made prior to October 15.

To register, please contact Jeff Miller:
Phone: 208-397-4181
Fax: 208-397-4311

Information is also available on the web at:

Fruit Field Day

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: September 1, 2006 by Jerry Neufeld

The University of Idaho Annual Fruit Field Day will be held on Wednesday, September 6, 2006 from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. The registration will start at 8:30 am and the program will start at 9:00 am. Several cultivars of new table grapes, peaches, nectarines, apples, quinces, Asian pears, and other alternative fruits will be presented during the tour. Participants can taste many of these fruits. Highlights of this event will be:

1) Presentation and tasting of several types and cultivars of fruits at the main office complex and discussion on application of growth bio-regulators in fruit crops
2) Tour of the U of I comprehensive research projects on ‘Fuji’ and ‘Gala’ apple irrigation and rootstock selections, chemical thinning, and pesticides uses
3) Tour of the alternative fruit crops, including quinces, Asian pears, persimmons, Jujube, and mulberries
4) Tour of the table grape vineyards, peaches and nectarines, and discussion/ questions/answers on various cultural practices of fruit crops, including planting, growth regulators, pruning, thinning, girdling, pest control, irrigation

Where: University of Idaho, Parma Research & Extension Center in Parma, on the lawn in front of the main office complex. Going west on Highway 20/26 in Parma, turn right at M&W grocery store, go for about 1/3 mile and turn left on U of I Lane and go north for about 1 mile.

When: Wednesday, September 6, 2006, Starts at 8:30 am (sharp) till 1:00 pm

Cost: Free of Charge

Who Can Participate? Open to the Public. Those interested in fruit production, including commercial growers, small farm growers, alternative fruit growers, home gardeners, Master Gardeners, horticultural professionals and graduate students, extension and research faculty/staff, horticultural hobbyist, and fruit industry representatives are welcome. For additional information, please call: 208-722-6701 Extension 228 OR contact Dr. Essie” Fallahi at 208-722-6701 Ext. 225


Malheur Field Day

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: July 6, 2006 by Clint Shock

Malheur Experiment Station Annual Field Day

July 12, 2006 from 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM

The program will cover onions (thrips, IYSV, and more!) potatoes, small grains (including waxy barley), teff, wildflower seed production, poplar trees, soybeans, and noxious weeds. A complimentary lunch will be served. During lunch there will be a presentation by Sandy Halstead, Agricultural Specialist of the EPA. EPA is considering restrictions on the ways VAPAM can be used. VAPAM is an important product in growers' attempts to control yellow nutsedge. For more details on the program see

Please reserve lunch by calling Janet Jones
(541) 889-2174 Or emailing her at

Malheur Experiment Station
595 Onion Ave.
Ontario, OR 97914

UI's Parma R and E Center Field Day

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: June 27, 2006 by Jerry Neufeld

The University of Idaho's Parma Research and Extension Center will showcase its work in small grains, forages and row crops at a July 7 field day for the public.

Beginning at 9 a.m. and concluding at lunch with a sandwich meal, this year's field day will highlight ongoing studies in wheat, barley, triticale, onions, potatoes, beans and alfalfa seed. Visitors will tour trials of promising new small grains in various market classes and will hear about the effects of harvest dates on triticale and wheat forage. They will learn about fertilizer management in small grains, including fall-planted waxy spring barleys and low-phytate spring barleys.

Participants interested in potatoes will see trials of new varieties for the Treasure Valley and studies focusing on phosphorus, groundcover effects, pesticide placement and seed physiology.

Visitors will also tour research on plant spacing and available phosphorus in alfalfa seed, on seed inoculation and treatment in beans, and on neckrot incidence and control of sunscald, thrips and nutsedge in onions.

Attendance is free and lunch will be provided. The Parma Research and Extension Center is located 1 mile north of Parma on UI Road. For more information, contact Extension crop management specialist Brad Brown at (208) 722-6701, Ext. 216, or

UI's Parma R and E Center Field Day

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: June 12, 2006 by Jerry Neufeld

The University of Idaho's Parma Research and Extension Center will showcase its work in small grains, forages and row crops at a July 7 field day for the public.

Beginning at 9 a.m. and concluding at lunch with a sandwich meal, this year's field day will highlight ongoing studies in wheat, barley, triticale, onions, potatoes, beans and alfalfa seed. Visitors will tour trials of promising new small grains in various market classes and will hear about the effects of harvest dates on triticale and wheat forage. They will learn about fertilizer management in small grains, including fall-planted waxy spring barleys and low-phytate spring barleys.

Participants interested in potatoes will see trials of new varieties for the Treasure Valley and studies focusing on phosphorus, groundcover effects, pesticide placement and seed physiology.

Visitors will also tour research on plant spacing and available phosphorus in alfalfa seed, on seed inoculation and treatment in beans, and on neckrot incidence and control of sunscald, thrips and nutsedge in onions.

Attendance is free and lunch will be provided. The Parma Research and Extension Center is located 1 mile north of Parma on UI Road. For more information, contact Extension crop management specialist Brad Brown at (208) 722-6701, Ext. 216, or

Section 18, 24c and Crisis Exemption Labels

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: May 31, 2006 by Jerry Neufeld

A current list of Section 18 (Emergency Exemptions), Section 24c (Special Local Needs Labels) and Crisis Exemptions for the state of Idaho is available by clicking on “Crop Info,” “Announcements” and the “Section 18 and 24c Labels” button. A complete list of 24c labels can be found at the Idaho State Department of Agriculture’s website at

pesticide disposal

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: April 26, 2006 by Jerry Neufeld

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture is conducting a Pesticide Disposal Program at the Pickle Butte Landfill in Canyon County on Monday May 1, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. You can turn in up to 1,000 pounds of unusable pesticides for free. For more information go to the following website:, or call Vic Mason at ISDA (465-8442) if you have questions.

Pesticide Safety in Spanish

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: February 23, 2006 by Jerry Neufeld

The University of Idaho Extension System and the Idaho State Department of Agriculture are conducting a Pesticide Safety Training in Spanish at Parma on March 14, and in Weiser on March 15, 2006. Pesticide Applicator Training Credits are pending. For additional information click on “Announcements” then “Pesticide Safety Training in Spanish.” Call Jerry Neufeld at 459-6003 if you have questions.

Idaho Potato Pest Management Association meeting.

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: February 13, 2006 by Nora Olsen

The annual Idaho Potato Pest Management Association (IPPMA) meeting is scheduled for February 16, 2006 at the Odd Fellow’s Hall, Wendell, Idaho. All are welcome- you don't have to be a member to attend. The meeting will start at 9:00 am. and end at 1 pm. The agenda will include “Potato tuber moth concerns and control”, “Chemical control of early blight: How to get the most bang for your buck”,“Potato viruses: yield effects and other concerns”, “How to grow and store potatoes for processing quality”, “Manure Management in Potato Cropping Systems”, “Gowan products for potato and corn cropping systems”. Lunch will be provided (sponsored by Gowan Company). Two Idaho Ag Pesticide License Recertification credits will be available. Please contact Nora Olsen at 736-3621 with questions. Hope to see you there.

Crop Protection Meeting credit update

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: February 6, 2006 by Jeff Miller

For the upcoming University of Idaho Crop Protection meeting being held in Idaho Falls on Feb. 7 (Shilo Inn from 8:30-4:00) and Pocatello on Feb. 8 (Ramada Inn from 8:30-4:00), 6 ISDA and 6.5 CCA (Pest Management) will be available at each meeting. More details on the meeting can be found at:

Attendees can receive 3 ISDA credits for just attending either the morning (small grains and alfalfa) or afternoon (potatoes/sugarbeets) sessions. 3.5 CCA credits are available in the morning and 3 in the afternoon.

The meetings are free.

Please contact Jeff Miller at 208-397-4181 if you have any more questions.

Evaluation Survey

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: December 9, 2005 by Jerry Neufeld

Thanks to everyone that recently completed an evaluation for the Pest Alert Network.

The winners of the $75 gift certificates to the Outback Steakhouse are Doug Gross (potato grower) and Mike Larsen. The winners of the polo shirts and hats are Scott Rinehart and David Shaw.

I will get the prizes in the mail ASAP.

CCA Training

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: December 5, 2005 by Jerry Neufeld

Dr. Brad Brown from the UI Parma Research and Extension Center is hosting a Treasure Valley CCA Training workshop on Thursday December 8, 2005 at the UI Parma Research and Extension Center. Registration for the program will start at 8:30 a.m. A total of 5.5 CCA credits will be awarded at the conclusion of the program (2.5 SW, 1 PM and 2CM). Below is the agenda for the program.

Time Session Topic Competency Speaker

8:50 - 9:50 Potato Physiologic Disorders CM Dr. Mike Thornton
9:50 - 10:50 Small Grain Planting Dates & Est CM Dr. Brad Brown
11:00 - 11:30 Alfalfa Seed IPM PM Dr. Jim Barbour
11:30 - 12:00 Iris Yellow Spot Virus in Onions PM Dr. Krishna Mohan
1:00 - 1:30 Soil Moisture Monitors in Canyon Co. SW Jerry Neufeld
1:30 - 2:00 Soil Moisture Monitoring in Wa. Co. SW Steve Reddy
2:00 - 3:00 Small Grains Water Management SW Dr. Brad Brown
3:10 - 3:40 Onion Water Management SW Dr. Clint Shock
3:40 - 4:10 Irrigation by Soil Water Potential SW Dr. Clint Shock

CCA Training

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: November 29, 2005 by Jerry Neufeld

Dr. Brad Brown from the UI Parma Research and Extension Center is hosting a Treasure Valley CCA Training workshop on Thursday December 8, 2005 at the UI Parma Research and Extension Center. Registration for the program will start at 8:30 a.m. A total of 5.5 CCA credits will be awarded at the conclusion of the program (2.5 SW, 1 PM and 2CM). I do not have any information about cost, lunch, or if you need to RSVP. Call Dr. Brown at 208.722.6701 for additional information.

Pesticide Applicator Re-Certification Training

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: November 28, 2005 by Jerry Neufeld

A Pesticide Applicator Re-Certification Training will be held on Tuesday December 13, 2005 at the Caldwell, ID Police Department (110 S 5th Street). Six Idaho and Oregon pesticide applicator license credits are being offered, as well as 5.5 CCA credits. Cost for this program is $25.00 to be paid at the door; however, you must call 208.459.6003 prior to December 8, 2005 to RSVP. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Registration starts at 8:00 am; program starts at 8:30 am. Program is sponsored by UI Canyon County Extension and the Idaho State Department of Agriculture. You can view the flyer for this program by clicking on “Crop Info” then “Announcements” and then “Pesticide Applicator Re-Certification Training.” Call Jerry Neufeld at 208.459.6003 if you have questions.

NRCS Cost sharing for biofumigation and field scouting

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: November 8, 2005 by Jerry Neufeld

The Natural Resources Conservation Service has approved two pest management practices for EQIP cost sharing. Producers must sign up by NOVEMBER 22, at their local NRCS Field Office.

The two Pest Management practices are:

1. Biofumigation. This is the planting of either radish or mustard as a green manure crop preceding potatoes or sugarbeets. The crop is planted following an early harvest crop such as wheat. Trials conducted in 2003 and 2004 show biofumigation costs the farmer about $120 to $140 per acre. Farmers using biofumigation have seen significant decreases in nematode populations and increases in potato yields, without using chemical fumigants. The practice will pay a flat rate of $50/Ac and is limited to a maximum of 160 acres.

2. Field Scouting. It was agreed that NRCS needs to promote the use of field scouting for insects to determine if threshold numbers are exceeded prior to making the decision to apply pesticides. This practice is limited only to insect pests -- not weeds. The scouting must be done by a qualified (certified) individual (likely a crop consultant or CCA). Submission of scouting and insecticide records will be required. This practice will pay $10/Ac and is limited to 160 acres.

Producers should contact their County NRCS Field Office by NOVEMBER 22 and sign up to participate in an EQIP contract. After the signup, NRCS will contact interested producers and work with them to develop an EQIP contract. These two pest management practices will be part of their contract along with other conservation practices they may be interested in.

Pesticide Disposal in Canyon County

Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

Posted on: September 16, 2005 by Jerry Neufeld



(BOISE) Agricultural producers, dealers, applicators and homeowners who are storing unusable pesticides will have a safe, legal and free opportunity to dispose of them on September 23, 2005 when the Idaho State Department of Agriculture conducts an unusable pesticide collection. The event is being held in conjunction with Canyon County’s 3rd annual Household Hazardous Waste collection at the Pickles Butte Landfill, 15500 Missouri Ave., Nampa, in rural Canyon County.

Participation is free for the first 1,000 pounds of unusable pesticides per participant. Anyone with unusable herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and rodenticides should bring them to the collection site on September 23.

Additionally, on September 24, Canyon County residents will be able to dispose of household quantities of hazardous wastes including fertilizer, micronutrients, paint, solvents, or equipment motor oil.

Both collections will take place between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.

“This is a great opportunity for disposing of potentially harmful chemicals in an environmentally sound manner,” said Victor Mason II, manager of the department’s pesticide disposal and container recycling programs. “These chemicals will be collected, rather than dumped down a storm drain or tossed in the landfill.”

Since 1993, the Idaho State Department of Agriculture has disposed of more than 600,000 pounds of unusable chemicals. Pesticides become unusable for many reasons, including loss of potency, exposure to temperature extremes, cancellation or suspension by state or federal authorities, or growers’ decisions to change their cropping rotations or practices.
Assistance and other information about the collection is available at:

CONTACT: Wayne Hoffman(208) 332-8671

Organic Potato Field Day August 8

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: July 25, 2005 by Nora Olsen

Organic Potato Field Day
Monday, August 8, 2005
Sunset Butte Organics near Buhl, Idaho
10 am - 3 pm
******** FIELD DAY ANNOUNCEMENT ********
Potato Growers of Idaho, the Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides and Rural Roots invite you to attend a tour of Sunset Butte Organics' potato farm on August 8 near Buhl, Idaho. Mike Heath of Sunset
Butte Organics, along with other organic potato growers, will discuss rotation crops, fertility and pest management and marketing. John O'Connor, an organic grower and former organic inspector, will speak about the organic certification process and on-farm inspection. Mir Seyedbagheri, Juan Alvarez and Nora Olsen from the University of Idaho will share their work on organic potato fertility, beneficial insects and organic sprout inhibitors. Enjoy a delicious meal of organic beef and freshly picked fruits and vegetables.

Please RSVP by August 3, 2005 with Keith Esplin at 785-1110 or or Jen Miller at 850-6504 or Support for this field day also comes from the following businesses: Frontier Natural Products Co-op, Magic Valley Compost, Mountain States Oilseeds and Pillar Butte Seed.

DIRECTIONS TO THE FIELD DAY: From Boise - Exit I-84 at Bliss. Travel south on Hwy 30 through Hagerman. After leaving the canyon, head south to the first 90°
curve and go straight (leave Hwy 30) onto 1000 E Rd. The road will wind around. At first T intersection, turn left onto 4200 North Rd. After 200 yards, take a right onto 1000 East Rd and travel 1 mile. At next T
intersection, turn left onto 4100 North Rd. After 200 yards, take a right onto 1000 East Rd and travel 3 miles. Turn right onto 3800 North Rd and travel 1 mile. Meet at house with shady front yard and Sunset Butte Organics sign (3800 N 912 E). From Twin Falls - Take Hwy 30 (truck route) towards Buhl. Travel west through Buhl on Burley Ave, which becomes Deep Creek Rd and then 4100 North Rd) for 4 miles. Turn left onto 1000 East Rd and travel 3 miles. Turn right onto 3800 North Rd and travel 1 mile. Meet at house with shady front yard and Sunset Butte Organics sign (3800 N 912 E).

Malheur Experiment Station Field Day Wednesday, July 13th

Announcements    All Locations

Posted on: July 12, 2005 by Clint Shock

The Malheur Experiment Station Field Day will be held this Wednesday, July 13th.

The schedule for this year is as follows:

8:30 (am) - 9:00

  • Registration

    9:00 - 10:30
  • Tour A: Potato Production
  • Tour B: Sugarbeet and Corn Production

    10:30 - 12:00
  • Tour C: Onion Production
  • Tour D: Small Grains and Teff Production

    12:00 - 1:00
  • Lunch!
  • Presentation on Native Forb Production by Ann DeBolt

    1:30 - 4:00
  • Tour E: Native Forb Production

    We'll also be showing off the new Mid-Snake River Watershed Vegetation Database after lunch.

  • Crop Production Challenge

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: June 30, 2005 by Nora Olsen

    The University of Idaho and USDA/ARS invite you to join us for the First Annual Crop Production Challenge on July 7, 2005 at the University of Idaho Kimberly R & E Center (3806 N. 3600 E.).

    Registration from 8 to 8:30 am. The challenge will run from 8:30 to 3 pm with lunch provided for those who RSVP by July 5.

    This is an educational event to test and increase the knowledge of crop advisors, consultants, extension educators, and other agricultural professionals; and have fun at the same time.

    Pesticide applicator recertification credits and Certified Crop Advisor credits available.

    Topics to include: Entomology, Plant Pathology, Weed Science, Potato Physiology, Soil Fertility, Irrigation Management, and Water Quality.

    Call 736-3600 (Mary) to register or if you have any questions.

    Snake River Weed Control Tour

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: June 16, 2005 by Nora Olsen

    You Are Invited to Attend


    June 21 and 22, 2005

    University of Idaho Locations: Aberdeen R&E Center (June 21st)and Kimberly R&E Center (June 22nd).

    Registration begins at 8:00 A.M. with the tours starting at 8:30 A.M. Tours will conclude at noon with a sponsored lunch each day. Bring friends and associates. Idaho pesticide re-certification credits (3) will be offered.

    Call Aberdeen at 208-397-4181 or Kimberly at 423-4691
    for more information.


    Smoke Management Training Sessions

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: May 31, 2005 by Jerry Neufeld

    The Idaho State Department of Agriculture, Idaho Farm Bureau and the Idaho Grain Producers Association are teaming up to present smoke management training sessions in several Idaho Locations. The training is for farmers who burn residue in their fields. To see the news release click on the “Crop Info,” “Announcements” and “Smoke Management” buttons.

    Pesticide Disposal Program

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: April 14, 2005 by Jerry Neufeld



    111 22ND Ave. South in Caldwell, ID 83605

    550 Indian Head Rd in Weiser, ID 83672

    Please check with the Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) office nearest you or with the Boise office to confirm dates, or for additional information about these collections.

    All collections will run from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. each day.
    We can only collect pesticides – no fertilizer, paints or oils can be accepted.

    Nampa office- Victor Mason II at (208) 465-8442; Bob Hays (208) 442-2803; Fred Rios (208) 442-2816; Dave Chase (208) 465-8482; or Luis Urias (208) 465-8478

    Boise office Cathy Parsons (208) 332-8605

    Season start up message

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: April 12, 2005 by Jerry Neufeld

    Dear Pest Alert Subscriber;
    The growing season in the Treasure Valley began in early March this year. By now a lot of crops have been planted and are emerging. It won’t be long before planting is in full swing across all of Idaho and pests start showing up.

    At the present time there is quite a bit of uncertainty in production agriculture related to markets and water supplies. Because of these challenges, Sugar Magazine Editor Gary Rawlings wrote an article entitled “Whatever You Do, Don’t Cut Inputs” The article appeared in the February 2005 issue. In his article about sugarbeets, Rawlings says “weed, disease, and insect control products must be used. Shortcuts cannot be taken. It’s only the tonnage that will matter next fall with acres being eliminated.” Our goal with TV/ is to inform you about pest problems in a timely manner. With earlier warning of pest problems, you can make more informed decisions that will help maximize use of your inputs.

    The 2004 evaluation of TV/ was favorable. Below are some of the comments subscribers submitted with the evaluation.

    “I improved the timeliness of my chemical applications and improved my scouting methods because of the pest alert network.”

    “Helped me to watch for mildew in beets for better timing. Helped in timing of field scouting for peach aphid in potatoes.”

    “I improved the timeliness and reduced the number of my applications, the program felt like another set of eyes watching out for my crops.”

    “I had more timely scouting activities as a result of knowing the status of lygus and powdery mildew.”

    As you can see from the comments above, TV/ is a valuable resource for the agriculture industry in Idaho and Oregon. As website administrators, we value and need your continued assistance. When pest outbreaks occur in 2005, please provide this information to one of us as quickly as possible so the information can be quickly posted to the website. In addition, please tell your neighbors or clients about the website. The more participation we have the better.

    TV/ would not be possible without our sponsors. Last year’s sponsors were the Idaho Alfalfa and Clover Seed Commission, the Idaho Sugarbeet Industry and the Idaho Potato Commission. We would like to extend a sincere thank you to them for their generous support. We are currently in the process of lining up sponsors for 2005.

    Once again, thanks to everyone who has helped to make TV/ a success. We wish each of you a safe and prosperous production season.

    Jerry Neufeld
    Steve Reddy
    Jeff Miller
    Nora Olsen
    William Bohl
    Bryan Hopkins
    Juliet Windes
    Clint Shock
    Lynn Jensen

    IPPMA potato grower educational meeting

    Announcements    Magic Valley

    Posted on: February 3, 2005 by Nora Olsen

    The University of Idaho and the Idaho Potato Pest Management Association will have an educational grower meeting on Feb. 23, 2005 from 9 am to 1 pm at the Odd Fellow's Hall in Wendell. Topics will include: storage issues, late blight and ring rot, aphid and colorado potato beetle management, growing potatoes will less water, insecticide seed treatment, and water outlook for the Magic Valley. Lunch will be provided and 2 recertification credits will be available. All are welcome. Contact Nora Olsen (208-736-3621) for additional information.

    Treasure Valley Bean School

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: January 25, 2005 by Jerry Neufeld

    The 2005 Treasure Valley Bean School will be held on Thursday February 10, at the Oregon Trail Church of God Gymnasium (23057 Old Highway 30, Caldwell; Exit 25 on I-84) from 8:00 am to 1:30 pm. BBQ lunch will be served. One pesticide license credit is pending.

    The Keynote Speaker will be Karl H Dreher, Director of Idaho Department of Water Resources. Topics will include Nez Perce Water Settlement, Promotional Efforts of the U.S. Dry Bean Council, Bean Promotion Efforts in Mexico, Seed Treatments and Pesticide Record Keeping. There will also be reports from the Idaho Bean Commission and the Idaho/Oregon Bacterial Blight Association.

    There is no cost to attend, but you must RSVP to the Canyon County Extension office at 459-6003 by February 3. Call Jerry Neufeld at the 459-6003 if you have any questions.

    Outback Steakhouse gift certificate winners

    Announcements    Eastern Idaho

    Posted on: December 15, 2004 by Jerry Neufeld

    Thanks to everyone that recently completed an evaluation for the Pest Alert Network.

    The winners of the $75 gift certificates to the Outback Steakhouse are: Ralph Graham, Darren Bradley and Rod Steele. The winners of the polo shirts and hats are Allan Landon, Jeffery Christianson and Gene Schmitt.

    I will get the prizes in the mail ASAP.

    pesticide applicator training

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: December 2, 2004 by Jerry Neufeld

    Owyhee Soil Conservation District is hosting its annual Farmer Appreciation Day on Dec 10th at the U of I Extension Center in Marsing. The ISDA training team headed by Sherman Takatori will present the program. Participants will receive 4 credits toward recertification of their pesticide license. Lunch will be served including chili, sandwiches, and Alta's chocolate chip cookies. Arrival begins at 8:30 am, programming runs from 9:00 - 2:00. The classroom will hold approximately 40 people. There is no charge. Please call Linda Adams (896-4544 ext 102) before noon on Dec 6th to reserve a place.

    pesticide re-certification training

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: November 29, 2004 by Jerry Neufeld

    A pesticide re-certification training will be held on Thursday December 16, 2004. Registration starts at 8:30 am at the Caldwell Police Department public meeting room (110 S 5th). The program will run from 9:00 am to 4:15 pm. Among the topics will be; Worker Protection Standard, Update on Field Burning and Phostoxin Use, Black Flies in the Treasure Valley and Pesticide and Nitrate Groundwater Monitoring. Idaho license holders will receive 6 credits and CCA’s will receive 4.0 credits at the end of the program. Six Oregon credits are pending. Registration is $25.00 at the door and includes lunch and breaks. Call Jerry Neufeld at 208.459.6003 or Sherm Takatori at 208.332.8609 if you have questions.

    horticulture conference

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: November 11, 2004 by Jerry Neufeld

    The 110th Idaho State Horticultural Society Annual Meeting will be held at the Nampa Civic Center on November 22 and 23, 2004. The program is filled with nationally and internationally recognized researchers. Two pesticide license credits are available each day. Cost to attend is $25.00. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. on Monday. Call Marc Asumendi at J.C. Watson Company for more information (722.5141).

    pesticide license credits

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: November 5, 2004 by Jerry Neufeld

    If you are in need of credits for your pesticide license by the end of 2005 don't despair. U of I Canyon County Extension and ISDA are holding a re-certification training worth 6 credits on December 16, 2004 in Caldwell. Additional information will be forthcoming in early December. Call me if you have any questions.

    pesticide disposal

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: October 11, 2004 by Jerry Neufeld

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Victor Mason II
    October 7, 2004 208-465-8442

    Collection scheduled for southwest Idaho is safe, legal and free

    BOISE, Idaho – Agricultural producers, dealers, applicators and homeowners who are storing unusable pesticides will have a safe, legal and free opportunity to dispose of them this October 22nd when the Idaho State Department of Agriculture conducts an unusable pesticide collection in conjunction with Canyon County’s 2nd annual Household Hazardous Waste collection. Both collections will take place at the Canyon County Landfill located at Pickles Butte.

    Participation is free for the first 1,000 pounds of unusable pesticides per participant. Anyone with unusable herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and rodenticides should bring them to the collection site between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. (Sorry no fertilizers, micronutrients, paints, solvents or motor oil can be accepted. These will be collected in household quantities on October 23rd during the Canyon County’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection).

    “This collection provides a mechanism for disposing of pesticides in an environmentally sound manner. The unusable pesticides collected in October will be incinerated or otherwise destroyed. Plus, Canyon County is hosting its 2nd annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection. This collection gives the homeowners of Canyon County an opportunity to properly dispose of hazardous materials that they may have as well.” said Victor Mason II, manager of the department’s pesticide disposal and container recycling programs.

    Since 1993, the Idaho State Department of Agriculture has disposed of more than half million pounds of unusable pesticides. Pesticides become unusable for many reasons, including loss of potency, exposure to temperature extremes, cancellation or suspension by state or federal authorities, or growers’ decisions to change their cropping rotations or practices.

    Assistance in the identification of unknown pesticides and other information about the collections is available at

    August 24, Onion Variety Day

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Oregon

    Posted on: August 23, 2004 by Clint Shock

    Friends, This message is to remind you that the Malheur Experiment Station "Onion Variety Day" is August 24 from 9 AM to 1 PM. The location is the OSU Malheur Experiment Station, 595 Onion Ave., Ontario, OR 97914, telephone (541) 889-7057. Lunch will be served (just like last year!).

    Clint Shock, Erik Feibert, and Lynn Jensen will be available for any onion related questions. Looking forward to your visit.

    Malheur Exp. Station Field, July 14

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Oregon

    Posted on: July 2, 2004 by Clint Shock

    The Malheur Experiment Station Field Day July 14 will feature crop production tours in the morning, a presentation on black flies (bufalo gnats) during the lunch hour, and in the afternoon a specialty presentation on high efficiency motors for single phase power lines and a tour of drip-irrigated onion fields. For more details visit our events web page at

    Reserve your lunch with Janet Jones, (541) 889-2174.

    Parma Research and Extension Field Day

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: June 3, 2004 by Jerry Neufeld

    The U of Idaho Parma Research and Extension Center is hosting an Open House and Field Day on Tuesday June 29, 2004. Registration begins at 8:00 am. The program will conclude by 1:30 p.m. Lunch is being provided at no cost to participants by the local agriculture industry. Recertification credits may be offered. Call 722-6701 if you have questions.

    Pesticide Disposal

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: May 14, 2004 by Jerry Neufeld


    Collections scheduled for northern and southwest Idaho are safe, legal and free

    BOISE, Idaho – Agricultural producers, dealers, applicators and homeowners who are storing unusable pesticides will have a safe, legal and free opportunity to dispose of them this May when the Idaho State Department of Agriculture conducts collections in Bonners Ferry, Coeur d’Alene, Lewiston, Weiser and Caldwell, Idaho.

    Participation is free for the first 1,000 pounds of unusable pesticides per participant. Anyone with unusable herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and rodenticides should bring them to the closest collection site between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on the date and location listed below (Sorry no fertilizer, micronutrients, paint, solvents, or equipment or motor oil can be accepted):

    May 20, Weiser, IDOT Yard
    May 21, Caldwell, Canyon County Fairgrounds

    “These collections provide a mechanism for disposing of chemicals in an environmentally sound manner. The unusable pesticides collected in May will be incinerated or otherwise destroyed,” said Victor Mason II, manager of the department’s pesticide disposal and container recycling programs.

    Since 1993, the Idaho State Department of Agriculture has disposed of more than half million pounds of unusable chemicals. Pesticides become unusable for many reasons, including loss of potency, exposure to temperature extremes, cancellation or suspension by state or federal authorities, or growers’ decisions to change their cropping rotations or practices.

    Assistance in the identification of unknown pesticides and other information about the collections is available at

    For further information contact Victor Mason II at 465-8442.

    Pesticide Applicator Training

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: February 20, 2004 by Jerry Neufeld

    The University of Idaho Canyon County Extension and the Idaho State Department of Agriculture will provide training specific to people needing a pesticide applicator license in the Agricultural Herbicide, Agricultural Insecticide/Fungicide, or Statewide consultant categories. This three-day class includes certification testing. Training sessions will be held on March 10 and 11; testing will be on March 18. The classes will address basic core competency subjects for applicator certification and specific category information concerning the Agricultural Herbicide and Insecticide/Fungicide examinations.

    Cost for this training is $60.00. You must register and pay prior to March 4, 2004. Registration forms can be obtained by calling the Canyon County Extension office. All training will be conducted at the Canyon County Extension Office. Registration fee does not include state examination or book fees. Training materials must be purchased prior to the training. Lunches and breaks will be provided. Pesticide re-certification credits will not be offered for this training session.

    Contact Jerry Neufeld at the Canyon County Extension Office (459-6003), or Sherman Takatori at the ISDA (332-8600) if you have questions.

    Alfalfa Seed Conference

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: January 5, 2004 by Jerry Neufeld

    The Idaho Alfalfa and Clover Seed Growers Association is hosting the Idaho-Oregon Alfalfa Seed Conference on Wednesday January 14, 2004 at the Hampton Inn (near the Idaho Center) starting at 8:30 a.m. Among the program topics will be: Logan Bee Lab Update, Research Reports, GMO Alfalfa Seed Update, 2004 Water Supply Outlook, Alfalfa Seed Market Report. Lunch and Breaks will be served. Pesticide applicator credits are pending. Meeting will adjourn at 3:30 p.m.

    prize winners

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: December 5, 2003 by Jerry Neufeld

    Thank you to everyone that completed an evaluation survey for Your input is very important to us and will be used help us to make the website better for you.

    Winners of the $75 gift certificates to Outback Steakhouse are Gordon Obermeyer in Idaho and Martin Fujishin in Oregon. Winners of the polo shirts and hats are Doug Plaisted in Idaho and Carl Hill in Oregon. Prizes will be in the mail ASAP. Once again, thanks for your help.

    Growing Table Grapes

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: December 3, 2003 by Tim Davis

    The newly formed Idaho Table Grape Association will be holding a briefing for those interested in planting table grapes, either commercially or for their back yard. The meeting will be held at the Payette High School auditorium (The Dome, 1500 6th Ave S, just off I-95 in Payette) from 9:00 – 12:00am this Saturday December 6, 2003. Topics to be discussed will include:

    Why table grapes?
    Can they be raised in Idaho?
    Concepts for growing in different areas.
    Which varieties should be planted.
    Certification of plants.
    Optimum soil types.
    Optimal vineyard sites.
    How to get started.
    Challenges, risks, and pitfalls.
    Marketing our table grapes.

    pesticide re-certification training

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: December 1, 2003 by Jerry Neufeld

    A pesticide re-certification training will be held on Thursday December 11, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at the Caldwell Police Department public meeting room (110 S 5th.) Among the topics will be New Invasive Plant Pests, West Nile Virus Update, ISDA Licensing Update, and the Crop Pesticide Disposal Program. Idaho license holders will receive 6 credits, Oregon license holders 2 credits and CCA’s will receive 5.5 credits at the end of the program. Registration is $25.00 at door and includes lunch and breaks. Call Jerry Neufeld at 208.459.6003 or Sherm Takatori at 208.332.8609 if you have questions.

    vegetable and flower seed insurance program

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: November 21, 2003 by Jerry Neufeld

    AgriLogic, Inc., on behalf of USDA — Risk Management Agency, is conducting a listening session in Idaho regarding a crop insurance program for Vegetable and Flower Seed Production. Seed Growers, insurance personnel, and other interested parties will be informed of AgriLogic’s proposed recommendation to the Risk Management Agency concerning the feasibility of developing a risk management strategy for the vegetable and flower seed industry and will be able to provide grower feedback concerning the structure of the program.
    The session will be held at the Canyon County Extension office from 10:00 am to noon on Monday December 1. Lunch will be served. Please RSVP to the Canyon County Extension office at 459-6003 by November 28 if you plan to attend.

    Seed Grower Workshop

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: November 14, 2003 by Jerry Neufeld

    A Seed Grower workshop will be held at the Nampa Civic Center on Monday November 17, from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. Six pesticide applicator training credits from Idaho and Oregon will be given at the conclusion of the program. Among the topics will be corn smut treatments, Idaho noxious weed program and invasive species. A continental breakfast and lunch will be served. Door prizes will be given out during the day. Cost is $40 at the door. Please call Roger Batt at 888-0988 if you have questions.

    Weed Control Seminar

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: November 4, 2003 by Jerry Neufeld

    The southwest Idaho Weed Control Association is sponsoring a “Weed Control Seminar” on November 18, 2003 at the Elks Building in Caldwell (1015 N Kimball). Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. Cost is $20.00 if you pre-register or $25.00 if you pay at the door. Space is limited; therefore you must pre-resister by November 12 regardless of when you pay. At the conclusion of the program you will receive five Idaho pesticide license credits. Oregon credits are pending. Call Ada County Weed Control at 888-2316 to RSVP or to get more information.

    Reminder about Pesticide Disposal Program

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: October 15, 2003 by Jerry Neufeld

    The Idaho State Department of Agriculture’s Pesticide Disposal Program is holding a waste pesticide collection in Canyon County in conjunction with Canyon County’s first ever Household Hazardous Waste collection. Bring your unusable pesticides to the Canyon County landfill on Friday, October 17, 2003 between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

    Only pesticides such as herbicides, insecticides and fungicides will be accepted. Do not bring household paint, motor oil, anti-freeze or similar products. These products will be collected on Saturday, October 18, 2003.

    Bring materials to the Canyon County Landfill; Pickles Butte; 15500 Missouri Ave.; Nampa, Idaho; (208) 466-7288

    For more information contact Victor Mason II at (208) 465-8442.

    Visit the ISDA website at for more information.

    Pesticide Disposal Program

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: September 24, 2003 by Jerry Neufeld

    The Idaho State Department of Agriculture’s Pesticide Disposal Program is holding a waste pesticide collection in Canyon County in conjunction with Canyon County’s first ever Household Hazardous Waste collection. Bring your unusable pesticides to the Canyon County landfill on Friday, October 17, 2003 between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

    Only pesticides such as herbicides, insecticides and fungicides will be accepted. Do not bring household paint, motor oil, anti-freeze or similar products. These products will be collected on Saturday, October 18, 2003.

    Bring materials to the Canyon County Landfill; Pickles Butte; 15500 Missouri Ave.; Nampa, Idaho; (208) 466-7288

    For more information contact Victor Mason II at (208) 465-8442.

    Visit the ISDA website at for more information.

    Malheur Experiment Station Field Day

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Idaho

    Posted on: June 25, 2003 by Jerry Neufeld

    The Malheur Experiment Station Field day is July 9, 2003. Registration is from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m.; tours begin at 9:00 a.m. Educational topics to be covered on the tour include: Onion Production, Cereal Leaf Beetle, Potato Production, Poplar Production, Drip Irrigation and Sugarbeet Production. Lunch is provided and there will be door prizes for growers only. RSVP to Jan Jones at 541.889.2174 or

    Malheur Experiment Station Field Day

    Announcements    Treasure Valley - Oregon

    Posted on: June 25, 2003 by Jerry Neufeld

    The Malheur Experiment Station Field day is July 9, 2003. Registration is from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m.; tours begin at 9:00 a.m. Educational topics to be covered on the tour include: Onion Production, Cereal Leaf Beetle, Potato Production, Poplar Production, Drip Irrigation and Sugarbeet Production. Lunch is provided and there will be door prizes for growers only. RSVP to Jan Jones at 541.889.2174 or

    Malheur Experiment Station Field Day

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: June 25, 2003 by Jerry Neufeld

    The Malheur Experiment Station Field day is July 9, 2003. Registration is from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m.; tours begin at 9:00 a.m. Educational topics to be covered on the tour include: Onion Production, Cereal Leaf Beetle, Potato Production, Poplar Production, Drip Irrigation and Sugarbeet Production. Lunch is provided and there will be door prizes for growers only. RSVP to Jan Jones at 541.889.2174 or

    Cereal Leaf Beetle Seminar

    Announcements    none

    Posted on: April 21, 2003 by Ben Simko

    A special seminar is schedule for noon, Tuesday, April 22 at the OSU Malheur County Extension Office, Ontario. The topic will be Cereal Leaf Beetle Biology and Management Update. Two factors may contribute to increasing infestations and control decisions relative to this new small grains pest. One is the general dispersion and increase of the insect in the western Treasure Valley region over the last few years. Another factor for concern is that with limited irrigation water supplies many producers are replacing row crops with spring wheat and barley. These are favored host for this pest.

    Please join us for an informal session at our office. Bring your own lunch, drinks and share question and ideas for management of CLB. Mike Cooper, IDA entomologist, is also planning to attend and will give an update on CLB bio-control efforts in SW ID.

    ISDA pesticide disposal program

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: April 21, 2003 by Jerry Neufeld

    Here is information from Victor Mason at ISDA regarding pesticide disposal in the Treasure Valley.

    April 21, 2003



    The Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) is preparing for the annual unusable pesticide collection programs in your area this spring. Since 1993, when the pesticide disposal program (PDP) began, it has safely disposed of over a half a million pounds of unusable pesticides.

    Collections are going to be held in: Caldwell - May 19,2003; Weiser- May 20, 2003; Lewiston ? May 21, 2003, and Coeur d' Alene ? May 22, 2003. All collection times are from 9:00 AM- 2 PM.

    This program is specifically designed with the agricultural pesticide user in mind; however, we accept pesticides from virtually all sources including farmers, homeowners, pesticide applicators, researchers, or pesticide dealers, etc. We include herbicides, rodenticides, fungicides, insecticides and all other "icides" in our definition of pesticides, however, we are unable to accept fertilizers, spent motor oil, antifreeze, paint or similar waste in these pesticide collections. There is no cost to the participant for the first 1,000 pounds of pesticide. We would appreciate your promoting the program to other pesticide users in your area.

    The department is not concerned with who has what pesticide, since the program is simply a service provided by the department to prevent possible contamination of the environment or avoid potential human and animal health exposure. Although pre-registration prior to collection will not be required it will be necessary for the participants to sign a release, transferring the ownership of the products to the ISDA at the collection site in accordance with the PDP rules.

    It is the responsibility of the participant to follow all Federal and state laws and rules pertaining to the transportation of these materials and to over-pack all torn or leaky containers to prevent a release of product into the environment during transportation. ISDA staff is available to provide assistance in over-packing torn or leaking containers provided that sufficient time is available for arrangements to be made prior to the collections (the sooner the better).

    The WEB Page address for the program is

    Local ISDA staff is also available to answer any questions you may have about these collections. The phone numbers and office addresses can be obtained by calling the Boise office at (208) 332-8610, or if you or anyone has questions, I can be reached by phone at (208) 465-8442 or E-mail at


    Victor Mason II, Agricultural Program Manager

    Welcome and Thanks

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: April 8, 2003 by Jerry Neufeld

    Dear Pest Alert Subscriber;
    As you already know, crop pests are appearing in the Treasure Valley. We have already posted a couple of alerts. Seems like the pests show up earlier each year.

    Based upon the comments received in last year?s evaluation, the 2002 operations were a success. With your help, we posted 51 alerts to approximately 195 subscribers in the Treasure Valley. Below are several comments received from subscribers on last fall?s evaluation:

    Ø The alfalfa seed, corn, onion, and sugarbeet pest notifications helped me decide when to scout my fields and helped me to improve the accuracy and timing of my pesticide applications. (Grower).
    Ø I used it to assist the crop advisors in watching what pests were coming into our area. I know the hatch information was of particular interest to the crop advisors and growers when they were trying to time spray applications. (Simplot Company Field Representative)
    Ø Made me more alert to the possible danger of a certain pest or disease. I didn't have any major pest problems because through pest alert I caught them in time. (Grower)

    The primary crops of Pest Alert subscribers are small grains, onions, corn, sugarbeets, forage, alfalfa seed, potatoes and mint. Presently, 38% of subscribers are growers, 35% are field representatives, 20% are government and 7% are other. There are currently 226 subscribers. wouldn?t be possible without our sponsors. Last year?s, and this year?s sponsors include the Idaho Alfalfa and Clover Seed Commission, the Sugarbeet Research Commission and the Idaho Potato Commission. We would like to extend a sincere thank you to them for their generous support.

    As you can see from the comments above, is a valuable service to the agriculture industry in the Treasure Valley. We would like to thank each of you who contributed to that success by submitting pest information last year. As we proceed through the 2003 growing season, please don?t forget to submit pest information to us. In addition, please tell your neighbors, or clients about the website.

    Once again, thanks to everyone who helped to make a success. We wish each of you a safe and prosperous production season.

    Jerry Neufeld, UI
    Ben Simko, OSU
    Steve Reddy, UI
    Lynn Jensen,OSU
    Clint Shock, OSU
    Brad Geary, UI
    Tim Davis, UI

    potato grower contracts

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: February 25, 2003 by Brad Geary

    To all Potato Growers:
    All contract potato growers for the Idaho fry processing companies are encouraged to attend one of two meetings this week to discuss the current state of contract negotiations for the 2003 crop year. Meetings have been scheduled for 1:30 p.m. at the Burley Inn on Thursday, February 27 and 1:30 p.m. at the Shilo Inn Suites in Nampa on Friday, February 28. The Southern Idaho Potato Cooperative reports that meetings held to date with Idaho fryers indicate soft french fry demand which means a decrease in the amount of Idaho potatoes required for frozen processing. With no fry contract settlements to date in the Pacific Northwest and planting time rapidly approaching, growers should take a hard look at their options for displaced contract potato acreage.

    Applied Viticulture Short Course

    Announcements    none

    Posted on: February 24, 2003 by Tim Davis

    The Idaho Grape Growers and Wine Producers Commission is sponsoring a seminar on Applied Viticulture and Enology in Idaho. Topics will include an introduction to Idaho viticulture, nutrient management, economic impact, labor, marketing your grapes, winemaking concepts, marketing your wines, and economic considerations for the small scale commercial winery.

    The seminar will be held this Wednesday February 26 from 8:45-3:15 at Albertson College in Caldwell Idaho. Registration fee is $15.00, please call (208) 467-4999 or 800-223-WINE to register.

    Treasure Valley Bean School

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: February 10, 2003 by Jerry Neufeld

    The 2003 Treasure Valley Bean School will be held February 19, 2003 in the gymnasium of the Oregon Trail Church of God. The church is located approximately 3 miles west of Caldwell at exit 25 on I-84. Topics to be included are the state of the industry, white mold control options, changes in the seed indemnity fund, bean herbicide trial report, irrigation and the Treasure Valley Pest Alert Network. Lunch is sponsored by the Idaho Bean Commission and the Western Bean Dealers Association. Two pesticide license credits will be awarded at the end of the program. There is no cost to attend, but you must RSVP by February 17, to the Canyon County Extension office at 208.459.6003.

    ID & OR Alfalfa Seed Growers Winter Meeting

    Announcements    none

    Posted on: January 6, 2003 by Ben Simko

    On Wednesday January 15 the Idaho and Oregon Alfalfa Seed Growers will hold their annual winter meeting. This year's event will be held at the Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario, OR. The organizational committee has a great program lined up. In the morning we will revisit the important issue of the introduction of GMO alfalfa production into the industry. Our invited keynote lunch speaker is ODA Director, Phil Ward. After lunch look for research reports from the commission sponsored project leaders as well as joining in on your annual association business meetings. RSVP is required by Friday, January 10 in order to reserve your lunch and break refreshments. RSVP to the Idaho Alfalfa Seed Commission office, Meridian, ID at 208 888 0988 or to the OSU Malheur County Extension office, Ontario, OR at 541 881 1417.

    Geographic Informaton Systems (GIS) Seminar

    Announcements    none

    Posted on: December 9, 2002 by Ben Simko

    The OSU Malheur County Extension Office will be hosting a half-day program on GIS applications in agriculture and natural resource management. The program, scheduled for Tuesday, December 17 at the Malheur County Extension Office in Ontario, OR, will run from 8:00 a.m. to noon. This GIS Seminar will introduce the participant to ESRI ArcView GIS software and focus on applications to manage data bases including, land ownership, field soil conductivity, watershed management and water rights adjudication. Pre-registration is required by December 13. For detailed program information and registration forms contact the Malheur County Extension Office at 541-881-1417.

    Survey Winners Announced

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: December 9, 2002 by Jerry Neufeld

    Thanks to everyone that participated in the 2002 program evaluation survey. We will use the information you submitted to make the website better suit your needs.

    The winners of the $75.00 gift certificates to Outback Steakhouse are Mike Talkington and Ross Nishahara. The winners of the polo shirts are Thad Schutt and Brad Roberts.

    Thanks again for your participation.

    TVPestAlert.Net Team
    Jerry Neufeld
    Ben Simko
    Brad Geary
    Lynn Jensen
    Steven Reddy
    Clint Shock
    Tim Davis

    pesticide re-certification credits

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: November 21, 2002 by Jerry Neufeld

    A pesticide re-certification training is being offered by Canyon County Cooperative Extension and the Idaho State Department of Agriculture on December 10, 2002. The training will be at the Canyon County Farm Bureau office at 4122 E. Cleveland Blvd. in Caldwell. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and is over at 3:00 p.m. Five pesticide licensing credits and four CCA credits will be given at the conclusion of the training (Oregon credits are pending). Cost is $25.00 at the door. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Subjects to be covered are: Regulatory Updates, West Nile Virus, Bio Control of Purple Loosestrife and Cereal Leaf Beetle, Pesticides in Groundwater and Herbicide Decomposition, Spray Drift, Treasure Valley Pest Alert Network and Field Burning. Call Jerry Neufeld at 459-6003 if you have questions.

    Nutrient Workshop

    Announcements    none

    Posted on: October 29, 2002 by Steven Reddy

    A three-hour Agriculture Nutrient Workshop will be held at the Vendome in Weiser on November 6th. Three CCA credits will be available (2 in Nutrient Mgmt, 1 in Soil & Water). The Workshop begins at 1:00 and ends at 4:00 P.M. Call the Washington County Extension Office (414-0415) for more information.

    Pesticide Recertification Class

    Announcements    none

    Posted on: October 23, 2002 by Steven Reddy

    A Pesticide Recertification class will be offered in Weiser on Oct. 29th. Five recertification credits will be available and the class begins at 9:00 A.M. Register by calling the Washington Co. Extension Office at 414-0415.

    unsable pesticide collection

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: October 11, 2002 by Jerry Neufeld

    ISDA conducts unusable pesticide disposal collection from agricultural producers, dealers, homeowners and applicators throughout the state. Although pre-registration was required in the past, it is not required this year. Prospective participants need only bring their unusable pesticides to the Canyon County landfill from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 23, 2002. ISDA is not concerned with who has what pesticide, since the program is simply a service provided by the Department to prevent possible contamination of the environment or avoid potential human or animal exposure. This program provides the agricultural producer and homeowner a safe, convenient, and environmentally friendly way to dispose of unusable pesticides. This program is free for the first 1,000 pounds of unusable pesticides per participant. Contact Victor Mason Agricultural Program Manager at ISDA if you have questions (465-8442).

    Special Meeting Notice

    Announcements    none

    Posted on: September 13, 2002 by Lynn Jensen

    Nutsedge Management Seminar Special meeting notice to discuss yellow nutsedge. This weed has been particularly troublesome this year. The meeting is sponsored by AMVAC, but will not be a sales presentation. Rather, it is a discussion of best ways to deal with the problem weed, and gather ideas on what research needs to be done. Dr. Corey Ransom, Dr. Mike Thornton and others will discuss ideas. Also, do's and don'ts for using Vapam. RSVP at 208/939-1936. Please pass the word.
    Hokiday Inn and Country Kitchen
    Ontario, OR
    Thursday, Sept. 19
    6:30 a.m.
    Meeting should be done by 8:00 a.m.

    Drip Irrigation Tour

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: August 28, 2002 by Jerry Neufeld

    Oregon State University, Malheur County Extension Office and Clearwater Supply are sponsoring a one day tour to Othello, Washington to see Ranger and Umatilla potatoes grown with drip irrigation. The tour will depart from the Malheur County Extension Office on Wednesday, September 4 at 7:00 a.m. and will return by 9:00 p.m. the same day. If you are interested in attending, RSVP by 5:00 p.m. on September 3 by calling 541.881.1417. Transportation and lunch will be provided.

    U of I Fruit Field Day

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: August 28, 2002 by Jerry Neufeld

    Two pesticide certification credits from the Idaho Department of Agriculture are being offered for the University of Idaho Fruit Field Day on September 5, 2002 at the Parma Research and Extension Center.

    U of I Fruit Field Day

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: August 26, 2002 by Jerry Neufeld

    University of Idaho Pomology Program's Annual Fruit Field Day will be on September 5, 2002 at 9:00AM. The tour will start at the Parma Research and Extension Center where several unique varieties of table grapes, apples, peaches, nectarines and plums will be presented and tasted. Then participants will tour apple variety orchards, apples with particle films, table grape vineyards, peach and nectarine experiments and a modern high-density apple orchard with complete or partial root zone drying drip and sprinkler systems for "Fuji, 'Gala' and 'Corail' apples. During this tour, fruit cultural practices will be discussed and a new U of I orchard consisting of several new potential alternative fruit crops for Idaho and the PNW, including quince, pomegranate, persimmon, figs, mulberry, walnut and Asian pears will be visited. This tour is open to the public. Home gardeners, Master Gardeners, researchers and nursery representatives are welcome to join us. This tour is offered once a year and is a great opportunity for everyone interested in fruit to participate. If you have any questions, please call Dr. Essie Fallahi, Professor of Fruit Physiology at 208 722-6701 ext 225, Dr. Saad Hafez, Interim-Superintendent at 722-6701 Ext 237 or Maurine Baucom 622-6701 Ext 228. See you there!

    Where: University of Idaho Parma Research & Extension Center; 29603 U of I Lane, Parma, Idaho

    When: Thursday September 5, 2002 9:00 AM ? 12:30 PM

    O.S.U. Malheur Experiment Station Field Day

    Announcements    none

    Posted on: July 1, 2002 by Ben Simko

    The O.S.U. Malheur Experiment Station will hold its summer field day on Wednesday July 10th. Field day registration will run from 7:45 to 9:00 a.m. with tours starting at 9:00 a.m. Lunch will be provided following the tours. Please RSVP for lunch by contacting Jan Jones, MES, at 889-2174 or

    Wheat and Barley Field Tour

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: June 24, 2002 by Jerry Neufeld

    Dr. Brad Brown is hosting a Wheat and Barley Variety Review and Field Tour at the Parma Research and Extension Center on June 26, 2002 starting at 9:30 a.m. Topics to be covered are Irrigated Cereal Variety performance and update on Cereal Leaf Beetle. Please RSVP by the end of Tuesday June 24 to reserve a hosted lunch with homemade ice cream. (208.722.6701 ext. 216)

    Idaho and Oregon Alfalfa Seed Growers Winter Meeting

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: January 18, 2002 by Ben Simko

    The 2002 Idaho/Oregon Alfalfa Seed Growers winter meeting will be held Wednesday, January 23 at the Nampa Civic Center. The meeting starts at 8:45 a.m. and will include topics covering pest management research, drip irrigation trials, market analysis, and GMO alfalfa. Growers and allied industry are welcome to attend but RSVP is required by January 18. Call 208-888-0988 or
    541-881-1417 to RSVP or for more information.

    Idaho & Oregon Alfalfa Seed Growers Winter Meeting January 2

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: January 16, 2002 by Ben Simko

    The 2002 Idaho/Oregon Alfalfa Seed Growers winter meeting will be held Wednesday, January 23 at the Nampa Civic Center. The meeting starts at 8:45 a.m. and will include topics covering pest management research, drip irrigation trials, market analysis, and GMO alfalfa. Growers and allied industry are welcome to attend but RSVP is required by January 18. Call 208-888-0988 or 541-881-1417 to RSVP or for more information.

    Onion Micromanagement Workshop

    Announcements    none

    Posted on: December 7, 2001 by Jerry Neufeld

    Western Laboratories from Parma, ID is sponsoring an Onion Micromanagement workshop on December 18, 2001 from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The program will be at the Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario, OR. Cost is $50.00 per person. Eight CCA and 2 pesticide credits are available. Please call 1.800.658.3858 for more information.

    Irrigation Technology

    Announcements    none

    Posted on: December 6, 2001 by Jerry Neufeld

    A program entitled "Future of Irrigation, Using Innovative Technologies to Manage Water" will be held at the Nampa Civic Center on December, 19 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. Sponsors are the Idaho Department of Water Resources and the University of Idaho. The cost is $30 before 12/13 and $40 after 12/13. Call Jerry Neufeld at 459.6003 to get a registration form.

    pesticide recertification

    Announcements    none

    Posted on: December 6, 2001 by Jerry Neufeld

    A pesticide recertification class will be offered at the Canyon County Cooperative Extension office on December 21, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. The class has been approved for three license credits. Subjects taught will be 1) Field Posting 2) Record Keeping, and 3) Pesticide Labels and Safety. The Extension office is located at 501 Main in Caldwell. Please contact Jerry Neufeld at 459.6003 if you have questions.

    Outback Steakhouse Certificate Winners

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: November 26, 2001 by Jerry Neufeld

    We would like to send our sincere thanks to all of you that participated in the evaluation survey for the first year of operations. We received some good information and will do our best to address the issues identified so we can make this website more useful to you.

    The winners of the two $50 gift certificates to the Outback Steakhouse are:

    Dan Silveria; Farmer from Caldwell, ID and Mike Huff; Fieldman from Dairyland Seed Co. in Homedale, ID.

    Please remember to submit meeting announcement information to us and we will post it on the website over the winter.

    Thanks again,

    Fruit Field Day

    Announcements    All Locations

    Posted on: August 29, 2001 by Jerry Neufeld

    The University of Idaho is sponsoring the annual Fruit Field Day at the Parma R and E Center on Thursday, September 6, 2001 from 9 a.m. to noon. Commercial fruit growers, small-acreage producers, home gardeners and interested members of the public are all welcome. The tour will begin on the lawn of the main office.

    Along with taste-testing, participants will learn about fruit-related research and extension trials being conducted at the center. In addition to variety trials, these experiments focus on orchard and vineyard establishment, peach and nectarine training and the effects of the potential growth regulator Messenger in apples.

    For more information, contact UI pomologist/viticulturist Essie Fallahi or extension horticulturist Michael Colt at 208/722-6701 in Parma.

    Drought Symoisium

    Announcements    none

    Posted on: August 6, 2001 by Jerry Neufeld

    Senator Larry Craig is hosting a drought symposium on August 17, 2001 starting at 3:00 p.m. at the U of I Research and Extension Center Conference Room located at 16952 South 10th Avenue in Caldwell. The Senator has asked representatives from the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Rural Development, and the Small Business Administration to be on hand to inform people of the programs and resources they have to help with this crisis. Please inform your neighbors about this event. If you have questions contact Nate Helm at 208.342.7985.

    O.S.U. Malheur Experiment Station Field Day on July 11th

    Announcements    none

    Posted on: July 9, 2001 by Ben Simko

    OSU Malheur Experiment Station will hold this year's field day on Wednesday July 11. To RSVP for lunch or for more information on tour topics and start times contact the Station at 889-2174 or visit the Malheur Expirement Station website.


    Announcements    none

    Posted on: March 15, 2001 by Jerry Neufeld

    This is a test. We are approaching the start of the growing season and doing some final testing on the TV Pest Alert system.

    TMDL meeting

    Announcements    none

    TMDL Meeting

    Posted on: February 19, 2001 by Clint Shock

    A meeting will be held Tuesday February 20 at Ontario City Hall at 9 AM to discuss the implications for cities, irrigation districts, and agriculture of the Total Daily Maximum Load program for pollutants in the mid-Snake River.

    Welcome to

    Announcements    none

    Test Pest

    Posted on: February 10, 2001 by Cedric Shock

    I am pleased to welcome you to the now operational Treasure Valley Pest Alert Network website.
    The 2001 growing season has not commenced. However, if you would like to receive e-mail pest alerts once the season starts, please visit the Join Mail Lists page.

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